Thankful Thursday

Today I’m thankful…

For mints in the mail
The kiddos told me I had some mail at Mom and Dad’s. Scandalous mail, they thought. One side showed a woman putting on lipstick in a rearview mirror and said “REKINDLE YOUR INNER GLOW with life’s little luxuries.” The package sorta rattled a bit. Thinking the worst, they came up with the idea that it was condoms. Sorry, scandal seeking siblings, it turned out they were breath mints from Vocalpoint advertising Ford’s new vehicle.

For gas at $3.37/gallon
Yes, I know it still seems high. But remember this summer? We were at or above $4 a gallon when I left for Mexico.

For free admission to the ADA update
I liked not having to pay the $75 normal ADA members had to pay, or even the $25 normal students had to pay. There are some perks to being a dietetics intern.

That I don’t have TB
I skipped out of the update early to get my TB skin test read. I don’t have TB, big surprise. But that means I’ve got my immunizations/tests in order for rotations next semester. While I was back in the nurse’s office, I asked when they’d have the flu shot in–she said they had it now, although they were only giving it to at risk individuals this early. But then she grabbed the medical history I’d just handed her and said, “You’ve got a history of asthma. That counts.” So she pulled out a vial and gave me a flu shot right then and there. Yay for not having to go back and wait in line for a shot! I suppose there are also some advantages to exercise-induced bronchospasm.

That I got to spend an hour chatting with the interns between classes
Shanna invited me back to the grad assistant’s office for the hour between our classes today. I enjoyed chit-chatting about politics and lunch and movies and professors and grading papers. I think I’ve missed out on a bit of bonding because I didn’t get an assistantship–but I know that God has a good plan for what He chose for me. So all is good.

That I caught Dr. Jones
We’ve needed to nail down my project for an age and a half (okay, five weeks), but have only seen each other in passing. Research Methods got out early today and I ran down to Dr. Jones’ office to see if she was around. She was just locking her door to leave. But I caught her, and we set up an appointment. So we’re good.

That my camera is fixed
The LCD screen on my digital camera broke about a week ago and I chose to order a replacement screen instead of throwing out the camera and buying a new one. The screen was dropped off by UPS today and I spent the next several hours attempting to install it. Installation was easy until I put the back of the camera on and started screwing it together. Then the screen got all wavy and kaleidescope-like. But, after fiddling with it for what seemed like forever, it’s all put together and working–and I only lost one screw!

For my roommate who made dinner today
It’s so nice to sit down to a home-cooked meal–especially one that you didn’t prepare. Thanks Casandra.

There’s lots more I can be thankful for, I’ve been blessed enormously. But my post runs long and I’m working towards sleeping a bit more (I know. Imagine that. I’m actually taking up sleeping as a hobby. Thanks, Dan, for continually reminding me to do so.) so I best go.

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