Grace to Know Your Limits

This week was our first week back to fall Bible studies, having been gone for the first two weeks since they officially began.

I was leaving Tirzah Mae in the nursery, which meant doing all those things that must be done for other people to take care of her – stuff diapers so the nursery workers don’t have to figure out prefolds, fill a sippy cup with water and a dish with precut grapes since the nursery workers can’t breastfeed her, put her in clean clothing so I don’t look like the worst mom in the world…

It hadn’t been a terrible night – wakings at midnight and 4, but ones where I’d quickly fallen back asleep after feeding and settling Tirzah Mae.

When I got home from Bible study and had my list of usual morning tasks still to complete, I decided I’d forgo my afternoon nap.

Eat lunch. Switch laundry, hang laundry, fold laundry and put it away. My eyes started feeling heavy, my temples started to throb. But I still had to rinse diapers, give the toilet a quick scrub, and get the mail before I could start on my afternoon tasks.

“Grace to know your limits,” I thought – and began composing the blog post in my head (and then on the back of an envelope.)

Now I must learn the wisdom to work within my limits.

(Which is why I must now stop writing and get to taking that nap!)

1 thought on “Grace to Know Your Limits”

  1. I’ve heard the saying “Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take a nap” attributed to a number of different people, but I have found it to be true. :-) Hope you were able to get one in. It’s hard sometimes when there is always so much else to do, but, as you say, we have our limits.


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