I’ve been tagged

I have a confession to make–I checked my website from work today. Granted, I was on my break and just trying to get a photo for my desktop background–but still. What makes it even worse is that when I saw that I had a comment on my last post, I looked at it.

That’s when I saw that Becky at Boys Rule My Life had tagged me for a meme. It was a good thing that I only had an hour and a half left at work ’cause I was almost busting. How exciting! How novel! How very blogger-like! Take that, you non-blog reading siblings who assume that just because you don’t want to read my blog that nobody does! Somebody likes my blog enough to TAG ME! But what might the meme be? What does she want to know? Oh, it was too much.

Turns out, the meme is “six random facts about me.” So here goes:

  1. I picked up a walker from freecycle today
    And by walker I mean old-lady-who-can’t-walk-on-her-own-so-she-shuffles-behind-a-metal-cage walker. I have a reputation for going all out on costumes for “spirit” functions at work–and when the social committee announced a Halloween costume contest, they proclaimed an early “Congratulations, Rebekah.” Nothing like putting me on the spot. Unfortunately, my last few are going to be hard to top. (Check out my Super Hero costume and my Nerd costume.) I was thinking old lady–if I could just find a walker–and lo and behold a walker shows up on Freecycle. Absolutely providential.
  2. My life is an open book
    I have actually LOANED some of my journals to a younger friend who was having a hard time with high school romance. I still almost can’t believe I did it. What was I thinking? Oh well.
  3. I just finished The House on the Cliff by Franklin Dixon
    The Hardy Boys aren’t just for kids–I’m reading them as part of my quest to read every book in Eisely Library. Boy, did I have a crush on Frank Hardy when I was younger though. That lucky Callie Shaw!
  4. I have somewhere between two and four hysterical roommates
    The number depends on who exactly is doing rounds in Lincoln–my sister and Casandra are my “real” roommates–the other two are PA classmates of Anna’s who stay with us when they’re in town. It’s a blast!
  5. I know only one joke
    Unfortunately, it’s a little macabre. Here goes: “Why don’t lepers play hockey?”

    Answer: Too many face-offs

    I know. Awful.

  6. I wear my grandma’s clothes
    Certain articles, at least. My favorite is a cream colored gown that she wore at least 50 years ago when she sang in a choir performance in Sioux Falls, Iowa. The performance was being recorded and put on the radio. She was so proud of that performance.

And now it’s my turn to tag some-bodies. I tag all my “in real life” blog friends:
Casandra, Cousin Matt, and Grace Babe

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