Back to regularly scheduled programming

After a brief (or really long, depending on how you look at it) hiatus into the murky world of “Love”, we will now be returning to regularly scheduled programming.

Except that I’m not exactly sure what regularly scheduled programming looks like any more.

Am I a wanna-be Mommy blogger?
Am I a book blogger?
Am I a thinking blogger?
Am I a crafty blogger?

Dunno. I’m somewhere in between.

So look forward to some eclecticism from bekahcubed–which I guess might have been what I’ve always had. But I’m not quite sure.

What category do YOU put me?

What category do you like reading most from me?

Tell me what you like. I can’t promise you I’ll give it, but I might. So let me know!

Hair Days

I’ll bet you (Becky) thought I’d forgotten about answering those blog-o-versary questions. If so, you’re only partially correct. I’ve been preoccupied with my new clinical rotation and with redesigning bekahcubed and with fixing my hair each and every morning.

At the beginning of March, I wrote in my journal (yes, I keep a paper one as well):

Sometimes hair’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Every couple of uses or so, my vacuum stops working–and I have to perform an emergency operation to remove the hair that’s wound around the beater.

If I don’t catch it quickly enough, I’ll end up with the problem I had yesterday–arriving at work to discover that my hem had electrostatically attracted the excess hair from my floors at home–and that said hairs were refusing to let go.

It’s bad enough that I have to clean my bathtub drain after every use–but today I stuck my hand in the slow-draining kitchen disposal–and discovered a wad of hair.

I’ve got hair so long that when my stomach lurches at the entrance of a lost hair into its caverns, I still have enough left hanging out of my mouth to pull the whole strand out.

I’ve got hair long enough I can wind it around my knuckles to use as dental floss–24″ regulation–and still have more to spare.

I envy the olden days ladies who figured out how to straighten their fallen hairs and use them to make something useful. I’m thinking I could braid a few clumps to use as a belt–or maybe I could make my own line of wigs. Even better, I could unwind the vacuum-spun hanks and market them as an indestructible yarn. Likewise, the mats of drain stoppers could be billed as naturally-felted coasters.

The possibilities are limitless–really–the list longer than my hair. But until I’ve started up my single-woman hair business, I think it’s almost more trouble than it’s worth.

Which begs Becky’s question: “Why is your hair long?” (Or the less kindly put, “If it causes you so much trouble, why on earth do you keep it long?)

Good question.

One, I don’t really mind it that much. I like it as long as it stays on my head–it’s just the limitless strands that shed everywhere that bother me.

Second, I sort of made a vow.

Okay, there’s no “sorta” about it.

As a incredibly romantically minded fourteen year old, I decided that my hair would belong to my husband. I haven’t cut it since.

I’ve made some discoveries throughout my long-haired journey. 1) I’ve discovered that this is as long as my hair gets. 2) I’ve discovered that long hair often evokes the question “What religion are you?” 3) I’ve discovered that long-haired individuals CANNOT take chances when it comes to cooking with an uncovered head. (Face it, it’s pretty easy to figure out whose hair is in the food if said hair is two feet long.) 4) I’ve discovered that I go through shampoo quite a bit faster than my short-haired peers.

But I still look at my hair in the shadows I cast on the pavement walking and think “Man, if only I had that gorgeous of hair in real life.” And I still look behind me to see who someone’s talking to when they comment about long hair. And I still gasp a bit when I pull out a hair, just for curiosity sake and hold it up to a yardstick. Twenty-six inches. It sure doesn’t feel that long. But I like it. So I keep it.

A little schoolgirl romance, a little longing for the eighteen-hundreds, a little (penny-wise, pound foolish) laziness thrown in, and I’ve got long hair.

Aunt Ruth

If you think of it, please pray for my aunt Ruth. She’s been taking care of my grandpa since he’s been home from the hospital–and the strain can be incredible. Caregiving is difficult no matter what the circumstances, and these are less than ideal. Grandpa is not always physically or mentally there–and he can get pretty hurtful when he gets frustrated and angry.

So please, pray for Aunt Ruth. Pray for grace and rest and peace. And pray that we as a family would be able to support her as she labours so tirelessly for our family.

Beary Sweet Blog Award (Tying up loose ends)

Over a month ago, Becky @ Boys Rule My Life awarded me with the “Beary Sweet Blog Award” Since I was in the midst of seminar stress when she awarded me, I put it on the back burner–where it’s stayed for way too long! So now, before the year’s done, I’m going to accept my award. Thanks, Becky!

I’ve received this award because I fit one or several of the following parameters:

  • Has an inspirational blog
  • Blog is updated at least 2 times each week
  • Shows faith
  • Has a positive attitude on life
  • Makes mistakes
  • Shares real life stories/experiences
  • Enjoys blogging

At this point, I now have the opportunity to pass the award along to six other bloggers who meet at least one of the criteria listed.

I’m awarding:

Once again, thank you Becky–you made my day by being the first person to tag me for a meme–and now for awarding me with my first blog award!

Not. quite. yet.

After a quick look at my finances this afternoon, I have decided that I will not be buying a house. Yet.

I’ll be quitting my job in about a month, preparing for my clinical rotations (during which I’ll be paying for the privilege of working full time.) My budget assessment revealed only about $500 of leeway for January through September 2009. Which isn’t a lot. So, I probably shouldn’t try adding anything more to it right off.

Instead I’ll be transferring all my loose change over to a slightly less accessible account for now–and playing frugal to eke out a bit more throughout my internship. Things always come up, you know–babysitting, professional patient gigs, part-time jobs, withheld income taxes returned, organ donation (JK on that last one). And I might have estimated a bit high on some of my expenses.

So with a bit of patience, a bit of prayer, and some serious penny-pinching, I should be ready to start looking next fall.

Ten years ago I said I wanted to own a house by age 25. I’ve let that dream/goal/whatever fall by the wayside in my pursuit of an advanced degree. Now, as the time draws near and I rapidly approach my mid-twenties, I think I might be getting close–it’s just not. quite. yet.

Wasting Time

I’m not exactly procrastinating. After all, I’ve gotten a lot done today. But I have been wasting a significant amount of time seeing what celebrities I look like. What do you think?

In this case, first is a charm. Christina Ricci and I really do look pretty similar in these particular photos–wouldn’t you say?

Second time around, I begin to see a theme. Big mouths. Great. At least I wasn’t matched to Julia Roberts. Gah!

Hmm… This layout doesn’t have any names. Which means I don’t know who any of those people are. They’re all really pretty though.

I’m a guy, apparently. Or at least I look like one.

It really is all in the photography. ‘Cuz my jaw doesn’t always look like that. But in this picture at least, they’ve got my jaw matched pretty well.

Now those are some new faces. Amazing what a sneer can do for you. I’m a whole new person!

MyHeritage: Family treesGenealogyCelebrities

Oh, this is exciting. I put in a photo of me as Posh Spice–and guess who one of my matches was? Victoria Beckham! And guess who Victoria Beckham is? Posh Spice! (Sorry, I’m getting a little “Firefighter Swenson”ie about now.)

I can see your question plain as day. “Did you really do 1000 photos?” No. I definitely did not. I did what you saw here plus two or three more. I simply lost count and started writing random numbers.

But, having wasted entirely too much time choosing faces–do me a favor by comparing yourself and sending me a link so I can waste some more time (without being an absolute narcissist).

Who’d have thought?

Who’d have thought I’d ever be the one arguing for lower temperatures? Certainly not I.

But here I am, being the one to argue for keeping the thermostat low.

I was pretty warm with my sweater on, having just finished washing dishes and was now mopping the floor, when Anna walked into the room. “Do we have to keep the heat on 65? It’s cold in my room. And the window’s even closed.”

The thermostat was set at 65–but the actual temperature of the living room (the coldest room in the house) was 69. My room (upstairs) has been consistently temping at 72.

I am usually ALWAYS cold–but I haven’t really been uncomfortable at the temps in our house except when I’m sitting at the computer. That’s when my fingers start to feel like ice. Otherwise, I’ve got my socks and shoes (or slippers) on and my sweater slipped over the rest of the outfit. If I’m sitting reading, I have a throw or a quilt over me to keep me toasty warm. And when my fingers are feeling like ice at the computer? That just gives me a great excuse to grab a mug of hot tea.

I have an electric blanket to keep me warm at night–thanks to Anna, who acknowledged how cold I was last winter. And I bought a space heater for Casandra–who I know is also generally cold–so that she could keep her room warm while she’s in it. I just didn’t imagine that Anna would be the one complaining of the cold. (She’s generally too warm.)

Maybe I need to give her the space heater I’d intended for the living room. After all, we tend to only use the living room when we have lots of people over anyway–which means the ambient temperature rises pretty significantly anyway.

Anyway, so much for my musings. But who would have thought?