WiW: The temptation to go beyond what God has said

The Week in Words

“You speak of love,” a small voice whispered. “How much do you think I love you? How much do you think I love Beth?”

It had not been an audible voice. Not a spoken word. But an inner communication. Lizzie could not have explained it. Nor could she have denied it.

She shook her head. “Lord,” she argued silently. “I have no doubt of your love.”

“Then what is troubling you?” came the same gentle voice.

Lizzie thought—long and hard and ended by shaking her head in confusion. “I’m not sure,” she replied honestly.

“Then leave it to me,” the voice came quietly but with great strength and clarity.

The tears began to trickle down the aged cheeks. Of course. Of course. It was the only sensible thing to do.

“Does this mean you will heal her, Lord?” she quizzed, the thought too awesome for her to even grasp.

“My child,” came the voice once more, and it was filled with love—and patience—yet just a hint of reproof, as though reassuring a needlessly fretting child. “I love Beth. I will do what is best.”

~Janette Oke from Nana’s Gift

I believe that God speaks. Even today, He speaks. And when He speaks, His sheep hear His voice.

I have heard His voice. The voice that said “Be still and know that I am God.” The voice that said “You are worried and troubled about many things, but this one thing is needed.” The voice that told me to dream. The voice that told me to let him go.

It is a wonderful thing that God speaks, when God speaks.

But my temptation is so often to go beyond what God has said. When God says to dream, I presume that He means that He’ll fulfill those dreams. When God says to let someone go, I presume that means it’ll be easy to let him go.

But that isn’t what God has said.

God said exactly what He said. And THAT’S what I need to remember.

So when God speaks, I write it down. Word for word. As close as I can get. It’s an altar like the ones built by the Israelites. Reminding me of what God has said. Reminding me of what God has NOT said.

Warning me lest I forget what God has said. Warning me lest I go beyond what God has said.

Reminding me lest the serpent should whisper in my ear: “Did God really say?”

Reminding me so I can say, “No, THIS is what God has said.”

A sentry set against the temptation to go beyond what God has said.

Collect more quotes from throughout the week with Barbara H’s meme “The Week in Words”.