Sunday Snapshot: Nursery

Just a few months ago, we were regularly numbering a dozen children in our church nursery. Most of them were either rambunctious, clingy, or potty training (or all three!), requiring at least three nursery workers to keep order.

But with a spate of later summer birthdays graduating a bunch of newly minted three-year-olds to children’s church, we have gone back down to two workers a week.

Last week, my fellow-worker wasn’t around, and as only one child had come in so far, I told my sister-in-law (the nursery coordinator) that I’d be fine. I’d page her if I needed help.

I ended up with one more child for a total of two.

Cadence played happily by herself.

Cadence smiling

Jarell fell asleep in my arms and remained there for the bulk of the morning service.

Jarell sleeping

It was delicious!