I worked today. Not much to that. Eight plus hours of making recipes, smiling at customers, and cleaning up. If that were all I had to report, it would be a fair to middling day.

Last night, I received one of the largest scares of my life. It turned out to be nothing–just someone’s carelessness. After it was all over, I bawled and shook for about twenty minutes–then I got over it. Nothing scary happened today. That makes today pretty okay.

My family was all out of town today, enjoying themselves at da CLAN nonathalon. They started the morning early by racing in the fun run–I hear that Liz took first in the ladies 5K, Joe took second in the men’s 10K, Steve took 2nd in the men’s 5K, Joshua took 3rd in the men’s 5K, and Aaron(?) placed 5th in the men’s 5K. Pretty good showing for our modest clan :-P After a lunch of my mom’s runzas, the nonathalon began. Events included giant Jenga, Memory, croquet, and rope jumping. Then came the talent show–takeoffs on American Idol and Last Comic Standing. It sounds like it was a blast. I was working. It’s a bummer I couldn’t go. Today was pretty depressing for me…

or it would have been…

I arrived home to find
that my new roommate had arrived-
had completely moved in
and since she just happens to be
my very best friend,
that makes today

Welcome home, my friend.

2 thoughts on “A VERY SPECIAL DAY!”

  1. On 06.21.08 – 3:25 pm
    Joshua said:

    I did take 3rd, but more inpressedly, I ran it in a personal record (PR) time. If it takes an older guy to push me into sprinting the last quarter mile then so be it. I want to predict a better time, but I may try the 10k. BTW, first look at the blog and it’s pretty sweet. I’ve now bookmarked it.

    ~JA Menter


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