Learn how to cut hair-check!

Somewhere amidst my long list of life goals is the line “Learn how to cut hair.” Tonight I have made my first step towards accomplishing that goal. I’ve been afraid to pick up the scissors again after cutting John’s ear when he asked me to cut his hair when he was a pre-teen (I should have known better–he’s too squirrelly to sit still for a hair cut) and have only given buzz cuts since that day. Until today, that is.

Today I gave Timothy a haircut–a normal crew that was mostly accomplished with the buzzer. It’s a small step, I know, towards being able to REALLY cut hair. But think of it this way: Should I have sons, knowing how to do a basic crew cut will allow me to cut their hair at home through age 12 or so at least, saving quite a few bucks in the process. And that’s why I want to learn anyway–so I won’t have to pay someone else to cut my kids’ hair.

Check it out:
Tim's haircut
Tim's haircut
Tim's haircut
Tim's haircut

3 thoughts on “Learn how to cut hair-check!”

  1. On 09.14.08 – 11:14 pm
    Matt said:

    I’ll be an experiment for you if I come to Lincoln. It’d help you get some practice and let me save money :-) good job on accomplishing a goal! (partway at least)


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