Things I’ve wanted to tell you…

I have a thousand things I’ve wanted to tell you–but not in blog form. I wanted to write them in nice, polished article form, with references and everything. I wanted to include good meta descriptors of them on each page so that people doing Google searches could find them. I wanted to make them nice and fancy and search engine friendly (like my population control article).

Unfortunately, time doesn’t exactly grow on trees and I’m spending most of my time either a) planning a health program for the Airpark population using the Precede-Proceed model of development or b) writing a proposal for some original research on the perceptions and motivators for consumption of caffeinated beverages by college students or c) polishing up my rusty memory of parenteral calculations or D) reading other people’s blogs in order to avoid studying for what I am sure is going to be a KILLER Food Chemistry test. Have I mentioned that it’s been a year and a half since I last took a science class, and three years since I took my last chemistry class? Argh!

So, I suppose someday I’ll get around to explaining why some meats develop off flavors after you’ve had them in the freezer for too long (It’s a fun food chemistry explanation). And someday I’ll get around to discussing the science behind High Fructose Corn Syrup (and why it isn’t really that bad for you–at least, not much “badder” than your average sugar.) And someday I’ll describe how I learned the hard way that Mom was right about not stacking dishes in the sink. And someday I’ll tell you why I’m about ready to stop shopping at Walmart. And someday I’ll tell you about my almost-crush on my Health Program Planning prof (all except for his politics, and well, a lot of things). And someday I’m going to tell you about my closet recycling, dumpster-diving ways. And someday I’m going to write another “Bible on environmental issues” study. For that matter, someday I’m going to write a family history and a site map.

But for today, I’ll just quickly list the stuff I intend to write so that someday, I’ll look back on all my unfinished ideas and sigh.


2 thoughts on “Things I’ve wanted to tell you…”

  1. On 09.17.08 – 9:17 am
    Casandra said:

    This isn’t the kind of blog I was expecting when I read “the things I’ve wanted to tell you..” :-)
    I understand about having so much to say but not the time to say it in. :-)

    I will sigh with you.



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