Thankful Thursday

Today I’m thankful…

  • that I feel much better than I did yesterday!
  • that my dresser top is free of clutter (thanks to today’s FlyLady mission)
  • that my (I mean, my sister’s) piano is tuned. (I played Christmas songs this morning!)
  • that the research on the impact of dietary fatty acids on insulin resistance is FINITE–even if I haven’t discovered the end of it yet.
  • that I have a nice huge fuzzy sweater (from my sister) to put over my regular cardigan and a nice pair of fuzzy leg warmers (from my mother) for my feet and a nice set of fuzzy socks (from my senior year in high school house-family) to keep me warm when the temperatures drop.
  • that I don’t have class tomorrow. (I still work, but not having class means I can eat AT HOME before going to work–instead of packing a lunch to stuff in between class and work.)
  • that even if my outdoor temperature sensor isn’t working, someone else in the neighborhood has one that sends me its signal just fine. (It’s currently 42.3 degrees Fahrenheit–gotta love the “.3”)
  • that this beautiful sight greeted me out of the window this morning:

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