Resolution Writers Anonymous

Hi. My name is Rebekah Menter and I’m a compulsive resolution writer. I’m not sure exactly when it started, but it’s been going on for a number of years. After finishing the bulk of my projects this last week, I decided it was time to start looking forward to 2009. So I got out my books and started to research resolutions.

Yes, I did just write RESEARCH resolutions.

Because that’s what I do. I open up my master life goal file and figure out which goals I want to focus on. I do additional research as required to determine what my specific short-range goals should be. Then, I write my yearly goals and create little planner sheets to help me track them.

Take, for example, the goal/resolution I just finished working on. The large objective, as written in my master life goal file, is “To live healthy to a ripe old age.” Accomplishing that goal, naturally, requires some smaller goals. Which is why I’ve looked over the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. That’s also why I’ve reviewed the DASH diet and MyPyramid. Additionally, I’ve looked at the American Cancer Society recommendations for cancer prevention, the American Heart Association recommendations for heart disease prevention, the American Diabetes Association recommendations for diabetes prevention, and the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommendations for Osteoporosis prevention. And, just to be on the safe side, I ran through a few health texts and reference manuals to make sure I included all the appropriate screenings for my age, safety measures, quality of life stuff, etc.

The final health plan for 2009?


I don’t expect to do it all at once, or to do everything for the entire year. But I’ll be working towards the following health behaviors over the course of the year, tracking them on a handy sheet in my planner.

Daily Health Habits


  • Grains-8 servings per day, at least half whole
  • Vegetables-3 to 5 servings per day, variety
  • Fruits-2 to 5 servings per day, variety
  • Dairy-2 to 3 serving per day, low fat
  • Meat-2 servings per day, low fat
  • Oils-3 or fewer serving per day, choose polyunsaturated or monounsaturated over saturated fats
  • Water-at least 8 glasses a day
  • Breakfast-every morning!
  • Multivitamin-take consistently!


  • Sleep-8 hours a night
  • Sunscreen-use it!
  • Brush teeth-twice a day
  • Floss-EVERY DAY!
  • Safety belt-wear it (even when you’re a passenger)
  • 10,000 steps-log every day
  • Kegels-60 a day
  • Medication-actually use your nose spray!

Weekly Health Habits


  • Fish-2 servings per week
  • Nuts, seeds, legumes-3 to 5 servings per week
  • Sweets-limit to 5 servings per week


  • Aerobic activity-3 hours per week (in at least 10 minute segments)
  • Strength training-Full body, 3 times per week
  • Stretching-Full body, 3 times per week

Monthly Health Behaviors

  • Breast Self Exam
  • Blood Pressure check

Health Checkups

  • Gynecological exam
  • Blood lipid profile
  • Dental cleanings (2)

If I can work up to this (and maintain it), I should be good to go for the rest of my life.

Of course, I’ll have to add a few more screenings every so often as time goes by: thyroid hormones, mammograms, colonoscopies, Hemocults, eye exams, mole checks, etc. But apart from that, I’ve pretty much laid out a plan for chronic disease prevention and quality of life enhancement.

Next…on to my house goals, educational goals, professional goals–perhaps you get the picture?

It’s probably a pathology.

Resolution Writers Anonymous, indeed.

2 thoughts on “Resolution Writers Anonymous”

  1. On 12.09.08 – 5:41 am
    Becky@BoysRuleMyLife said:

    I’m impressed. Seriously. I wish I had the time and conviction to do that. My resolutions are still in my head. I need to get them down. It helps tremendously to set the tone for the new year. I keep a link to my resolutions on my sidebar so I can reread them every so often (trying to stay on track!) :-)

    As for your house goals… I don’t know if you are talking about purchasing or cleaning, but if it’s cleaning, I highly recommend Flylady. Her system works (if it’s used! lol!).

    Anyway, lots to do today… just wanted to pop in for a minute!

  2. On 12.16.08 – 12:36 am
    Kristi Sebens said:

    Oh I love it! I think I’ll head to this post when I’m needing some renewed vision for resolutions!

    And I have (just now) been enjoying your blog! Browsing through your family,friends, and church, it all seems so very near and dear to all that I grew up with.
    Keep writing and God bless!


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