YouthTube Premier

Wednesday evening, I had the pleasure of attending Z-360‘s YouthTUBE premier as a member of the papparazi. I took over 250 pictures and thoroughly enjoyed flashing my bulbs on the kids as they showed off their first ever YouthTube video.

Check it out.

In addition to the “Expensive Love” screening, we also enjoyed a preview of “Fail”, a course on evangelism. The after-party included noshing (well, sort of) eggnog and apple cider, a gingerbread house building/decorating contest, and Christmas carol karaoke.

Unfortunately, the busyness of it almost being Christmas–and going out of town as soon as the ice clears this morning–means that I have not yet been able to get a photo album processed. But it will be coming–probably right after Christmas. Here’s a quick preview:

John and Steve in fancy duds

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