My parents gave me this sewing machine for my high school graduation. They’d been hiding it in their closet for two years since finding it as a steal at a garage sale.
Since then I’ve used it to sew myself not a few articles of clothing, to put together a number of quilts, and to mend or alter too many items to count. My sewing machine has traveled from my parents’ home to a dorm room and back, to one residence after another since then. It’s traveled to church for ladies craft nights and ladies have crowded around it in my own home.
I’m thankful for how my sewing machine has enabled me to live cheaply–and richly.
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On 01.18.09 – 10:57 pm
Davene said:
What a great sewing machine! I, sadly, am not gifted in the area of sewing; but to me, it looks like that machine could do almost anything. :-)
How sweet of your parents to get that so early for you and hang onto it until the big day!