Sick Song

Norovirus is going around the state of Nebraska–and I just might have it. I can’t say for sure, as my immune system seems pretty strong and I’m not spewing from both ends as someone with a weaker system might do if faced with Norovirus–but still. With a mild fever, gastrointestinal cramps, and a touch of diarrhea, I’m staying home from church.

Hopefully you will escape the bugs that are traveling about this winter, but in case you don’t, I figured I’d share a little ditty that I wrote myself. It’s called the “sick song”.

Sung to the tune of WestSide Story’s “I feel pretty”:
I feel icky
Oh so yicky
I feel icky and yicky and gross

2 thoughts on “Sick Song”

  1. On 02.02.09 – 8:24 am
    Casandra said:

    Aww, poor Bekah. :-(

    I’m sorry you feel icky. I am hoping you are better today, since you weren’t at home anymore. Working where you do I’d hope you wouldn’t go in sick.

    Have a great day!


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