Name dropping down

Today, at a mini-conference/workshop thing we were holding at the health department, this guy came up to me and introduced himself: “You must be Rebekah. I’ve heard good things about you.”

Which is wonderful. I’m flattered.

But it also makes me wonder why. I mean, I’m familiar with name-dropping. I get it. What I don’t get is why people would bother dropping MY name.

For the uninitiated, allow me to reference Wikipedia on Name-dropping: “Name dropping is the practice of mentioning important people or institutions….It is often used to create a sense of superiority by raising one’s status. By implying (or directly asserting) a connection to people of high status, the name-dropper hopes to raise his or her own social status to a level closer to that of those whose names he or she has dropped…”

Which is why I’m so confused about why people would insert my name into their conversations about anything. My position, “Dietetic intern”, is far from elevated. My experience is miniscule. I can see no reason why anyone should reference me in conversation with another health professional–and especially to reference me in a complementary way.

Name-dropping down. Maybe it’s the new thing in corporate health care. Perhaps I should begin regularly referencing the janitor in my conversations with fellow professionals–after all, that’s not too far below my rank in the professional pool.

I should probably just accept it and go on–but the cynic in me still asks why. Why would someone bother to talk me up to the coordinator of one of the nation’s leading worksite wellness programs? It just doesn’t make any sense.

3 thoughts on “Name dropping down”

  1. On 03.04.09 – 7:57 am
    Casandra said:

    Maybe they are trying to get you a job.

    Was he hot? Maybe he’s single and since you’re single they are playing professional matchmaker.

    Or maybe they were talking about interns and how they have the best one, cuz they have you.

    There are any number of reasons as to why they could have been talking about you.

    Maybe he is just the kind of guy who is actually involved in those deparments under him and was asking how things were going with the intern.

    No idea. But my advice is to take the compliment at face-value and move on, allowing it to increase your confidence in your chosen professional field.

    That’s my two cents worth.

  2. On 03.04.09 – 7:51 pm
    Anna said:

    I agree. Not to burst your bubble, but it probably was someone at the health department talking about what a great intern you are. Remember, you want to be working in community health eventually and are very passionate and visionary about it. I disagree that you are at the same rank as a janitor. Not to put janitors down, but you will, in a few short months, be a dietitian! To quote Mike “the search for a job begins now!” and you are capable. You are underestimating your own experience and value. Shh!


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