The Lists of 5: Gender and the Field of Dietetics

Five Indicators You’re in a Female-Dominated Profession
    You attend your state professional meeting and…

  1. everyone’s dressed in their professional best–and no one is wearing a tie.
  2. dessert means chocolate–lots of it.
  3. awards include handshakes–and hugs.
  4. speakers refer to the audience in the “neutral” ladies instead of guys.
  5. of the 100 attendees, 3 are male.
Five Advantages of Being a Male in Dietetics
  1. Even shorter lines than usual at the bathrooms during professional meetings.
  2. A chance to be groundbreaking–to go where few men have gone before.
  3. Fawning female instructors, ’nuff said.
  4. Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by that many women?
  5. Men need nutrition too.

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