Mish-Mash Monday

Don’t you just love all these amazingly alliterative titles? The ones I participate in are only the tip of the iceburg: Simple Sunday, Thankful Thursday. I regularly read Tiny Talk Tuesday posts, Works for me (or Wordless) Wednesday posts, Silly Saturday posts–they go on and on. So far as I know, no one has ever “patented” the “Mish-Mash Monday”–so today I’m claiming it as my own. Mish-mash is the way my mind feels, so mish-mash is the way my blog will be today.

Mish-Mash 1: Sea-Stitch

A couple of missionaries from our church are back in town on furlough. Richard and June spoke yesterday in the service–and I was reminded that I should post a link to June’s Sea-Stitch ministry. Sea-Stitch is a practical ministry that trains Philipino women and men to cross-stitch and gives them supplies to create cross-stitched works of art. June’s goal is to provide enough work that each of the stitchers can buy food for a family of four three times a week off of the proceeds. This practical ministry has provided many Philipino families with food–and has been a medium of introducing the workers to the family of God. Many of the workers have accepted Christ as a result of this ministry and have become active participants in churches within the Philippines.

You can support the work of Sea-Stitch by following the link to their website, checking out the neat cross-stitch designs, and purchasing some cross-stitched bookmarks, Bible covers, greeting cards, or wall hangings. (I personally picked up a good selection of greeting cards yesterday.)

Mish-Mash 2: Cup of Coffee

I had a cup of coffee yesterday–the first I’d had in ages. And I was wired the entire morning. I was still tired, and yawning constantly. But my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest.

“Like a warm cup of coffee” is unlikely to have quite that effect on you–at least it didn’t on me. Instead, this blog I stumbled upon (via a link from someone–I can’t remember who) is likely to encourage you and get you thinking about what it means to be a Christian woman in today’s world. I have enjoyed Sarah Mae’s thoughtful and thought-provoking discussions.

Mish-Mash 3: Why O Why?

Why can’t life just be easy? Why does it have to be complex? Why do I have to think things through? Why do I have to guard my heart? Why do I have to guard my mind? Why do I have to hold my tongue? Why do I have to seek wisdom? Why can’t wisdom just be plain? Why do I have to search her out?

And why do I always find myself questioning the Potter?

“Woe to him who strives with his Maker!
Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth!
Shall the clay say to him who forms it,
‘What are you making?’
Or shall your handiwork say,
‘He has no hands’?”

Isaiah 45:9

“But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?” Romans 9:20-21

When, Rebekah, will you see that it’s useless to strive with your Maker? When will you see that He will reveal His will in His own time? When will you let it be sufficient to know that God has good plans for you and that He will bring them to pass?

Soon, I pray.

1 thought on “Mish-Mash Monday”

  1. On 06.02.09 – 8:34 am
    Casandra said:

    I almost posted a “Monday” post too, but I couldn’t come up with a good M word to really describe what the post would have been like. I like this one though!


    You know, one thing I am discovering, is that when we say we want something more of God, just like when we ask for patience, He doesn’t necessarily give us what we ask for, but the opportunity to act on what we have asked for. When you pray for patience, more often than not you will be provided with an opportunity to exercise patience. When I pray “God, there is none on earth that I desire besides Thee” He doesn’t take away my desires for other things – He places them in my path and quietly asks “Which one do you really want, Casandra?” My heart is torn and I cry out “God, I want You above all else – but right now, I want this too.” God is a big God – He can handle our honesty… even when we can’t.

    When do we learn that God is in control, He has good things in store, He will carry the good work He began in us to completion, that it is useless to strive with Him? It is a life-long process, my dear. But through it all…

    Our God is faithful! Praise the Lord for the work He is doing in our lives and in the lives of those around us!


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