Simple Sunday-Silliness

~Thankful for the little silly times with my Dad. Sticking our noses together and moving our heads–“Your eyes are bobbling up and down!” Kicks in the butt and flight lessons. Chasing us around the yard with a stick [a pencil, folks, calm down!] Dancing in the living room to “We wanna see Jesus lifted high”. Right angles in the library stacks. Exploring “evolution” by walking like an ape in the basement of Morril hall. And occasionally breaking out in loud and nerdy snorts in the midst of a game of Pit.

Dad and I

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Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

2 thoughts on “Simple Sunday-Silliness”

  1. On 06.21.09 – 7:27 pm
    Davene said:

    This was a fun post! Having such a great dad like you do is a real treasure. Happy Father’s Day to him!

    I’m glad you’re still doing Simple Sundays sometimes, even though I can’t do the Mister Linky thing like I was. Maybe I’ll get it back someday.

    Have a great week! :-)

  2. On 06.22.09 – 8:21 am
    Casandra said:

    hehehe, that PIT game was hilarious! :-) I always enjoy being around your family. I think you know why. (if you aren’t sure, ask me. I don’t wanna post it here)

    I love you! I’m so glad you’re my “sister” Have a great day!


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