Done with the Dr.

Something special happened today
Something extraordinary, something gay
Today I read just one picture book
And with it I took my last look
At the category of Splat-egories
Dr. Seuss wrote.

With today’s reading of Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss (as Theo LeSieg), I closed the Dr. Seuss “first readers” category. I had already closed Dr. Seuss in the “picture books” category. Which means that I am officially done with Dr. Seuss.

Somehow I doubt I’ll be done for long. As I re-read several favorite Dr. Seuss stories and read a few for the first time, I couldn’t help thinking of who and how and when I might share the stories next. It’s been fun reading Dr. Seuss to myself, but Dr. Seuss was meant to be read aloud–preferably to children, who will take delight in the made up words and not too realistic drawings.

Old Favorites:
  • There’s a Wocket in my Pocket-in which strange things show up in the most ordinary places.
  • Green Eggs and Ham-in which a boy discovers that Sam’s novel dish is not so bad as he originally thought.
  • The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins-in which a king’s pride creates a bit of trouble for a fortunate boy unfortunate enough to have 500 hats.
  • The King’s Stilts-in which a king plays and his kingdom crumbles, until a boy sounds the alarm to awaken him to duty again.
  • I had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew-in which paradise is always just around the corner (and so is a roadblock)
New Finds:
  • Please Try to Remember the First of Octember-in which all your wildest dreams come true (don’t forget to mark your calendar for the First of Octember!)
  • The Shape of Me-in which I celebrate the many sizes and shapes of many different “me’s”
  • Did I ever Tell You How Lucky you are?-in which I discover that life really could be an awful lot worse.

2 thoughts on “Done with the Dr.”

  1. On 06.22.09 – 11:37 pm
    MarBear said:

    I love Dr. Seuss!! Green Eggs and Ham, Horton hears a Who, One Fish, Two Fish,Red Fish, Blue Fish, and especially The Lorax were favorites growing up. And yes go back to them, well written great books that need to be read often. :-)

  2. On 06.23.09 – 8:11 am
    Casandra said:

    Dr. Seuss is a lot of fun to read! It always brings a smile to my face.
    Who would have ever guessed (without previous knowledge) that Theodor Seuss Geisel hated children and that his first children’s book (The Cat in the Hat) was written basically on a dare. Someone told him he couldn’t write a book using 50 words or less… and thus we have the Cat in the Hat.
    He really wasn’t that great of a person, but he’s given us some excellent books! =)


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