A Bit Skittish

We had a good time last night, if not exactly according to plan. The dairy store turned out to be closed. (Who closes their store for an all staff meeting at six on a Monday evening? I mean, really!) So we picked up ice cream from Super Saver and brought it home. Watched Sweet Home Alabama at Mom and Dad’s–then it was late, so Grace went to bed. Bekah and I stayed up and tried on clothes–and Bekah did my makeup. (I think she wants to nominate me for What Not to Wear. I’m pretty sure I’m not that fashion-hopeless–but in the eyes of a fifteen year old girl who thinks it’s travesty to not wear eyeliner…)

Bekah and I dressing up

Anywho, today we ate, watched more movies, played the piano… Grace and Bekah swam a bit. And Caroline called to say that their van had broken down so they wouldn’t be able to pick Bekah up. At first we planned to just have her stay an extra night, but Bekah changed her mind half-way through the afternoon. So, after we watched an after dinner movie, I took her out to where her parents are staying tonight.

We were driving down the road, the CD player tuned a bit (read: WAY) too high for my ears’ comfort level, singing along with Chris Tomlin to “How Great is our God.” I hadn’t seen a speed limit posted for the road we were on so I was playing it safe at 45. (On the return trip, I saw that the limit was 55). It was dark, as it usually is at 10 pm in the country–even in August. As we crested a hill, I saw him, 5 feet in front of me. I think I tried to swerve, but it was futile. I hit the dog.

So perhaps you can understand why I was a bit skittish for the rest of the drive?

2 thoughts on “A Bit Skittish”

  1. 08.12.09 – 4:19 pm
    Banana said:

    And I hear about this by reading your blog? Or did I just tune you out when you were telling me about it? Who is the bad sister/roommate here? I’m sorry, it wasn’t even a sewer dog. Anyway…


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