Happy Pictures

Emily Joy has started hosting a weekly themed photo challenge on her site–and I’m pleased to join in this week.

Emily Joy Photo Challenge

This week’s them is “happiness”–and I can’t think of a happier picture than this one of my cousin and his fiancee dancing.

Joe and Dana dancing

We had a talent show at our family Kolach days celebration–and Joe and Dana did some country swing (musicless) for us.

Dancing with the one you love. Moving to the music that only the two of you know. Present with your family. Happiness.

Check out the rest of the entries at Emily Joy’s photography site.

Update: This photo won first place in Emily’s contest! Thank you so much, Emily.
Emily Joy Photography First Place Winner

3 thoughts on “Happy Pictures”

  1. This is great! You’re right–what a truly happy moment.

    I wanted to come up with a picture for her challenge this week, but time slipped away and I haven’t. Maybe next week (depending on what her theme is!)… :)


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