Thankful Thursday: Numbers

Today I’m thankful for:

  • One pieced quilt top (Yeah, I’ll still have to get it quilted if I’m going to give it to them tomorrow. Break out the machine!)
  • Two turned-in papers (Why did I save them until today? Good question.)
  • Three on three basketball last night (Can you believe it? I barely can!)
  • Four requirements from God (Deuteronomy 10:12–“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to FEAR the Lord your God, to WALK in all His ways…to SERVE the Lord your God…and to KEEP the commandment of the Lord.”)
  • Five books to return to the library. (Not that many, but I’m getting there on a couple more.)
  • Six days off before Christmas (okay, that’s kinda cheating!)
  • Seven fantastic siblings (even if sometimes they annoy me.)
  • An eight o’clock phone call. (Will that mean an earlier night or a longer conversation, I wonder?)
  • Nine A.M. with Joanna (Going to get that quilting done!)

And above all that, I’m thankful that the Lord our God is One. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

3 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Numbers”

  1. to number 8 ~ obviously a longer conversation ;) haha.
    This was great! Thanks for sharing!
    I am a little confused tho – are you counting Debbie as your 7th sibling? Because there are only 7 kids, therefore you only have 6 siblings. Unless you’re counting Debbie. :) Or maybe I’m just confused?

  2. No, I was just counting myself among “the siblings”. Even though I’m not my own sibling.

    Who knows, though. Dan’s having Debbie over for our Christmas Eve celebration. Joanna and I were coming up with some good romantic things for him to say when he proposes: “You are the melody to which my heart beats” is my favorite so far.


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