Recap (Feb 14-20)

On the web
Remember how I didn’t have much time for blog reading last week? Well, that means you might be getting two weeks worth of links as I catch up on ALL my reading. Enjoy!

Laugh out loud funnies:

Books for the TBR list:

News to take note of:

Thought-provoking posts:

  • On Contemporary Christian Music:

    I would suggest that listening to mainstream radio with your guard up and your worldview filter on is safer than listening to Christian radio with your guard down. Subtle, bad theology is more dangerous to unsuspecting Christians than is blatant bad theology.

    Thanks to Vitamin Z for directing me to this article.

  • Sometimes you just gotta vomit. I love SCL’s Serious Wednesdays–and this one’s majorly good.
  • What are we to do about college debt? By God’s grace, I’ll make it through my masters with far less than $155,000–but what does the slavery I’ve sold myself into mean for my ability to glorify God with my future? Will I ever have to choose between him and my other master, the United States Government (thanks to federally subsidized student loans)?
  • Making me feel hopeful for our soon to be reconfigured family. I think several of us are having some bleary eye moments as we prepare to become a military family (John’s enlisted in the Marines, Tim’s waiting to hear from Navy ROTC-Marine option.)
  • I’m loving Davene’s “good thing” post–way to see the bright side and give thanks instead of complaining!
  • Does your devotional time look like this? Oh that I might be greedy for God again as I was when I was young. (Thanks to DG for pointing me to this article.)

Videos worth seeing:

  • T-shirt wars: very amusing
  • How to start a movement (via Buzzard Blog
  • Oh. my. goodness. Absolutely hilarious!

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