Smokeless Smokes

Have you ever seen one of these?

Electronic cigarette

I haven’t ever seen one in real life. But I’d love it if I did start seeing them in real life.

That is an electronic cigarette–a battery powered cartridge that atomizes a small amount of nicotine without producing smoke.

It’s a boon to public health, because unlike traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) do not produce smoke–and therefore eliminate the problem of second-hand smoke.

What’s more, e-cigarettes do not produce any of the carcinogens tobacco produces when it is burned–so they’re safer for the “smoker” as well. The only similarity between the output of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes is the presence of nicotine. Nicotine is a legal but controlled stimulant that is similar to caffeine. While nicotine has some slight risks, they are few compared to the enormous risks associated with smoking.

This suggests a great health boon to people who have tried to quit smoking multiple times–but without success. E-cigarettes approximate the look and feel of cigarettes, as well as delivering small doses of nicotine through the incredibly sensitive mucous lining of the mouth–but without the risks to self or others.

There are some who decry these little glowing sticks, convinced that nothing that looks like a cigarette could be positive.

Certainly, I’d never encourage someone to induce nicotine addiction in any form. I don’t want anybody to start smoking–or using smokeless nicotine.

But if switching from cigarettes to these smokeless smokes can protect both the smoker and those around him from cancer? I’m all for it.

3 thoughts on “Smokeless Smokes”

  1. I’ve never heard of or seen these! But how inventive! I’ll have to pass this along to a friend, who has tried several times to quit. Thanks for sharing the info, my dear!

    PS – how’s your car? Did it start?


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