Recap (July 4-10)

On bekahcubed

Book Reviews:

  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman

    “Book lovers everywhere are known for snootily announcing after watching even a particularly fantastic movie: “The book was better.” I almost always agree that the book is better–although perhaps for different reasons than most.

    You see, I don’t GET movies. Even when I’m applying my whole brain towards understanding them (which I rarely do, being an inveterate multi-tasker), I still generally fail to understand the nuances of screen plot-lines. Turn on subtitles and my comprehension soars. Finally, the characters are speaking my language–print. Books are even better, because I have not only the dialogue, but the setting and action in print as well. This is probably why I enjoyed the book The Princess Bride even better than I enjoyed the movie.”

    Read the rest of my review.

On the web

Books for the TBR list:

  • The Church History ABCs by Nichols and Bustard
    I flipped through this children’s picture book at Crossway and I’ve absolutely got to get myself a copy. Who can resist a picture book with mini biographies of Christian giants. “C is for catfish, castle, and John Calvin, champion reformer.”
  • War, Peace, and Christianity: Q & A from a just war perspective by Demy and Charles
    Greg Boyd takes a non-combative position in Myth of a Christian Nation–and the argument for Christian pacifism (for lack of a better term) certainly has some Scriptural support. I’d be interested to hear Demy and Charles’ take on the matter (apparently from the other side). A quick browse (I *love* that feature of Crossway books) reveals that this book is likely to support what I’ve been thinking while reading Boyd’s book. Which can be good and can be bad. Lord, give me grace to see and think clearly and to come to conclusions based upon Your word rather than upon my preconceptions.

News to take note of:

  • Young Women Check their Facebook First Thing in the Morning

    “More than half of young women (57%) say they talk to people online more than face-to-face. A full 39% of them proclaim themselves Facebook addicts, while 34% of young women make Facebook the first thing they do when they wake up, even before brushing their teeth or going to the bathroom.”

    I still talk to people more face-to-face than I do online, but I am guilty of checking Facebook first thing in the morning. (At least, first thing after making my bed. Making my bed is still a stronger compulsion than Facebook!)
    HT: Tim Challies

Thought-provoking posts:

  • Thoughts on how pastors can equip women for ministry
    I especially appreciated this comment:

    “Women want to be passionate about the gospel, and they thrive when they are surrounded by men who set the pace.”

    I can definitely say for myself that I thrive when men around me challenge themselves for the sake of the gospel–and challenge me to think deeply and live passionately for the gospel.

  • Questions Christians should ask about Global Warming
    A terrific set of questions to help Christian greenies (like myself) think through the issues related to global warming. In short:

    1. Is the earth warming?
    2. Are we causing the earth to warm?
    3. Is it a bad thing if the earth is warming?
    4. Would the advised policies make any difference?

    For the record, my analysis of the data answers 1. Yes, but not much, 2. Possibly, but other explanations are more likely (sun cycles are the best explanation I’ve heard), 3. Difficult to tell, 4. I doubt it.

Videos worth seeing:

Something completely other:

  • Jasmine Bauchum talks about Biblical womanhood as she sees it
    I see it a bit differently, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one statement she made:

    “I realize that the term “barefoot and pregnant” is fighting words… I’ll let you throw the first punch while I fantasize about reading Orwell between laundry loads while my burgeoning baby belly blocks the sight of my bare feet from wistful eyes.”

    For the record, I’m not all about the “stay-at-home-daughter” thing–but I am all about being a homemaker. And even at my busiest 70-hour-a-week-hold-down-three-jobs-and-go-to-school-full-time, I relished my role as a homemaker. So THERE!

2 thoughts on “Recap (July 4-10)”

  1. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen either the movie or read the book The Princess Bride so I can’t remember which I liked better. Maybe it’s time to revisit both?

    And I JUST got a copy of The Church History ABC in the mail and you’re right – it’s AWESOME!!!

  2. Thanks for the link to that Jasmine Baucham post. That quote, in particular, made me smile.

    And I’m very impressed that you make your bed before you check FB. :)


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