On bekahcubed
Book Reviews:
- Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
“How much do you know about Aaron Burr? A month ago, I would have answered “Very little.” I knew that he’d fought a duel.
Now, after having listened to Nancy Isenberg’s Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr, I know a great deal about the events of Burr’s life–but I still feel that I know very little about the man himself.”
Read the rest of my review
Photo Albums:
- Dan and Debbie’s Receiving Line and Getaway
- Reception Photos, pre-dance (Wedding party and guests, June 18)
- Dance at Reception (Wedding party and guests, June 18)

On the web
Thought-provoking posts:
- Does our current dating advice lead girls to just give up?
“Once there was a good Christian girl who dreamed of growing up, getting married, and having children. She read all the right books and did all the right things….
The Christians who seemed to have all the answers, told her, “You’re young, there’s plenty of time, and you need to learn patience.”
….And the knowing ones shook their heads and said, “You’re too picky.”
…And the knowing ones shook their heads and said, “You’re spending too much time just being friends with guys. They need to know you’re romantically interested.”
…And the knowing ones shook their heads and said, “Watch it, you’re being too forward. Let the man pursue you. They don’t like it when you do the pursuing.”
…And the knowing ones heard, and shook their heads, and said, “That Jane Austen craze put ideas in your head. You just want a Mr. Darcy to come sweep you off your feet. Why can’t you just marry a nice man whether you love him or not? Who says you have to have feelings for him?”
… And the girl grew tired.
…So she ran off with the first non-Christian man who showed some interest, asked her out, and treated her with respect. And the knowing ones shook their heads and said, “What happened to her? She used to be a good Christian girl.“
I’d really love to hear your thoughts on this “modern day fable”. Do you think all the “advice” about dating (or even just the idea that there’s one “right” way to date) is ultimately counterproductive?
Videos worth seeing:
- A library-fied take off of the Old Spice commercials.
HT: Barbara H.
Aw, sometimes I just wish we could go sit in a coffee shop over coffee and discuss these sorts of topics! I’ve formed a rough opinion that there is WAY too much clamor about just how exactly, two people should get together in life. Lots of pressure to fit into the perfect scenario….it’s too much!