Nightstand (July 2010)

On last month’s nightstand:

On my nightstandOn my nightstand

What I actually read this month was…
(Click on the titles to see my reviews.)




  • Children’s Picture Books author ARNOLD-ASBURY (42 titles)
    including two books without words by Jose Aruego
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
  • The Secret Panel by Franklin Dixon

Currently in the middle of…

On my nightstand


  • American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation by Jon Meacham
    Read some quotes from the introduction. I’m currently about halfway through and am definitely enjoying this title.
  • The Cross of Christ by John Stott
    I expect to be done with this title by the end of the week. Be sure to check out my notes on chapters 1-9.
  • Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris
    My ladies’ book club is still moving slowly through this title.
  • Inside The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by Bell, Pykkonen, and Washington
    Reading this as part of Carrie’s Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge. Carrie doesn’t like the “For Dummies” titles, but this book reminds me of the “Dummies” genre–except that it’s intended as an introduction to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for younger readers (late elementary school, probably?)
  • The Myth of a Christian Nation by Greg Boyd
    Still working on this with my Monday night book club. We’ve had some AMAZING discussion so far.

On this month’s nightstand:

On my nightstand


  • Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke
  • Love’s Enduring Promise by Janette Oke
  • The Quest by Nancy Moser
  • Second Time Around by Nancy Moser


  • Founding Faith by Steven Waldman
  • The Narnian by Alan Jacobs
  • See What I’m Saying: The Extraordinary Powers of our Five Senses by Lawrence D. Rosenblum
  • Dozens of craft/decorating books


  • Children’s Picture Books author ASCH-?
  • The Animal Shelter Mystery created by Gertrude Chandler Warner
  • Beyond the Wardrobe: The Official Guide to Narnia
  • C.S. Lewis: The Chronicler of Narnia by Mary Dodson Wade
  • The Phantom Freighter by Franklin W. Dixon
  • The Thief Lord by Carnelia Funke

Drop by 5 Minutes 4 Books to see what others are reading.
What's on Your Nightstand?

15 thoughts on “Nightstand (July 2010)”

  1. Wow…that is some collection. I admire your fortitude!
    I have always wanted to read Letters to a Christian Nation…I will look forward to your thoughts.

    Have a great week reading!

  2. Wow! You always amaze me with the number of books you take in each month! I love Janette Oke. And Then Chronicles of Narnia series! Where do you get your endless supply of books?

    • Monica: Thankfully, I have a fantastic local library with a huge and diverse selection (and with free interlibrary loan services for patrons). If it weren’t for my local library, I don’t know what I’d do to satisfy my insatiable appetite for books! My measly personal collection (I think I own 400-500 books myself, mostly purchased from library book sales) is nowhere near sufficient.

  3. In answer to your question (which made me laugh out loud) – no. I’m not caught up. I was just thinking I’d try to get ahead WHILE catching up. ;) I have high hopes.

    Oh yes! I forgot you were reading Dug Down Deep and I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on that one.

    The Thief Lord was made into a pretty great movie – if you haven’t seen that yet either. Great story!

  4. I read The Princess Bride a few years ago and it was awesome!! And my son and I are reading the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe right now. I love the series and I am loving sharing it with him.

  5. Your reading list is always amazing!

    I may end up writing a post about The Happiness Project since there was a few things that didn’t sit well with me, but the thoughts keep rolling around in my head and I can’t quite put them into words. It did make me think! I look forward to seeing what you think about it.

  6. I like the books about the founding of our nation – that’s an area I’ve read a bit on, and would like to learn more. Also love digging into the Narnia series – there is so much there!

  7. Wow, what a lot you have on your nightstand!

    What do you think of Oke’s books? I’ve loved them through the years and someday would like to read the first few again.

  8. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m impressed by the number of books you read since last month. I thought I read a lot. Hopefully next month I can say I’m caught up on my magazines and have a pile of “real” books on my nightstand.

  9. I really wish I’d been keeping a log of what I read sooner! When our church first opened a library, I discovered Janette Oke & plowed through tons of her books!

    My mom is an avid reader too & has just begun documenting the books she reads monthly.

    Happy reading!


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