TTT: My Old Prince

Tiny Talk TuesdayI don’t often have opportunity to share tidbits from conversations with little folks–but yesterday, I had four-year-old Abigail and three-year-old Joseph spend the day with me. Their mother is recovering from the c-section that brought a third baby into the family, and their dad had to get back to work.

I thought this little exchange was definitely worth documenting:

Abigail: Do you have a baby?

Me: No

Abigail: Why not?

Me: Because I’m not married.

Abigail: Why aren’t you married?

Me: Because no man has ever asked me to marry him.

Abigail: Maybe because you’re old.

Me: (Laughing) Maybe

All is quiet for a while

Abigail:Maybe God’s still making your prince ready.

More silence

Abigail: Maybe God’s making him OLD!

Maybe so, Abigail, maybe so.

Check out more Tiny Talk Tuesday posts at Not Before 7.

7 thoughts on “TTT: My Old Prince”

  1. haha! that’s cute! Isn’t it fun to be thought of as “old” by a 4-year-old? (=
    She’s right you know – God’s still “making” your prince. And He is still making YOU into someone’s Princess ;)

  2. Oh my:) She can be so honest can’t she? I asked Abigail about your talk, and she said yes she said that…..but i made her laugh so I was being nice. Then she went on to say that everyone has to be old to get married:)
    Glad you enjoyed my kiddos for the day, they had a blast with you. I heard all about the park and a glass rino:)

  3. First of all, that’s GREAT that you took the kids; what a wonderful way to bless a “new” mom!

    Second, this conversation is hilarious! I love how blunt and honest kids are. But ya know, sometimes they’re amazingly profound, too.

    Thanks for sharing this TTT! :)


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