TTT: Sharing a bed

My mother was at her quilting frame, I was in her rocking chair embroidering. My littlest sister sat at Mom’s computer. Dad walked in to discuss the cabins he’d just reserved for our family weekend getaway.

Dad: Well, we’ve got three queens and four single bunks.

Me: That should work great. You and Mom get one. Dan and Deb get one. And Anna and Grace get one.

Dad: Which leaves the bunks for the three boys and you.

Grace: Wait–which of the boys isn’t coming?

Dad: They’ll all be there.

Me: But Dan will be with Debbie in one of the queens.

Grace: I wish I were married so I could sleep in one of the nice beds.

Me: But didn’t you hear what I just said? You will be in one of the nice beds.

Dad: Yeah, you and Anna.

Grace: I’ll have to share?

Me: You’d have to share if you were married too–you’d just be sharing with a husband instead of Anna.

Grace: Ugh! Maybe I don’t want to get married.

Tiny Talk Tuesday Have I mentioned that my little sister is 16 years old? So she’s not quite “tiny” (even if she is the littlest we’ve got)–but she can still say some pretty outrageous things. And, believe it or not, she isn’t even blonde!

Check out more Tiny Talk Tuesday posts (featuring actual children) at Not Before 7.

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