Requiem-Agnus Dei

It’s the song meme that’s making the rounds in my little group of Facebook friends. You place your MP3 player on shuffle and write down the titles of each of the first twenty songs that come up.

1. What do your friends think of you?
Like Humans Do (David Byrne)

I’m achin,
I’m shakin’,
I’m breakin’
like humans do

2. If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
The Lord of the Rings V-Hobbit (Arvika Stadsmusikkår-Instrumental Score)

3. How would you describe yourself?
Beethoven’s Symphony No 9. (Seattle Symphony)

4. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Highway Blues (Marc Seales-Jazz)

5. How do you feel today?
A Delicate Balance (Dan La Maestra-Jazz)

6. What is your life’s purpose?
As Night Falls (David Bach-Jazz)

7. What is your motto?
Larry Brown (Larry Brown-Jazz)

8. What do you think about very often?
Blues for Charlie (Royce Campbell-Jazz)

9. What do you think of your best friend?
Blue Stomp (Gary Smulyan-Jazz)

10. What do you think of the person you like?
Come Rain, Come Shine (Maija)

I’m gonna love you like nobody’s loved you,
Come rain or come shine.
High as a mountain and deep as a river,
Come rain or come shine.

Well I guess when you met me
That it was just one of those things,
But don’t you ever bet me,
‘Cause I’m gonna be true if you let me.

~Lyrics by Johnny Mercer

11. What is your life story?
La Vie en Rose (Danielle Westphal)

When he takes me in his arms
And speaks softly to me,
I see life in rosy hues. (La Vie en Rose)
He tells me words of love,
Words of every day,
And in them I become something.
He has entered my heart,
A part of happiness
Whereof I understand the reason.
It’s he for me and I for him, throughout life,
He has told me, he has sworn to me, for life.
And from the things that I sense,
Now I can feel within me
My heart that beats.

~Translation by Thomas Keyes

12. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Do Nothin’ Till You Hear From Me (Bill Harris)

13. What do you think of when you see the person you like/love? Escapade (Stephanie Akasian)

“It was just a summer escapade
A sudden enchanting shore
that happened once or twice before
It wasn’t meant to last
I’m not a child who has to pretend
Let it fade into the glow of waning light”

~Words by William Benton (I think)

14. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Preta Porter de Tafeta (Leonard Lucini-Blues)
Yeah, probably not.

15. What will they play at your funeral?
Fragile (The Dave Anderson Trio-Jazz)
Ditto the above.

16. What is your hobby/interest?
Frenzy (James Bazen-Jazz)
The title says it all.

17. What is your biggest fear?
Gabalot (Michael J. Harris)
Remarkably weird song. I have no idea why I have this, but it’s…strange.

18. What is your biggest secret?
Gonna Build a Mountain (Ericka Ovette)

Gonna build me a daydream.
From a little hope.
Gonna push that daydream.
Up the mountain slope.
Gonna build a daydream.
Gonna see it through.
Gonna build a mountain and a daydream.
Gonna make them both come true.

~Lyrics by (Does anyone know?–this was performed by Sammy Davis Jr. in the olden days :-)

19. What do you think of your friends?
Adoro te devote (Gregorian Sense)

Adoro te devote, latens Deitas,
Quæ sub his figuris vere latitas;
Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit,
Quia te contemplans totum deficit.

Prostrate I adore Thee, Deity unseen,
Who Thy glory hidest ‘neath these shadows mean;
Lo, to Thee surrendered, my whole heart is bowed,
Tranced as it beholds Thee, shrined within the cloud.

~Lyrics by Thomas Aquinas

20.What will you post this as?
Requiem-Agnus Dei (Gregorian Sense)

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem sempiternam.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
grant them rest,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
grant them rest,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
grant them eternal rest.

I think there might be some disadvantages to my remarkably eclectic tastes in music–and my reluctance to actually purchase music while still insisting on not listening to pirated music. Most of these songs are probably completely unfamiliar to the rest of the world, since I got them here and there as one band or another was giving away a free MP3. This particular set is rather heavy on Jazz (and is composed entirely of free music–no purchased titles.)

Nevertheless, a few of them were remarkably apt.

2 thoughts on “Requiem-Agnus Dei”

  1. I know nearly all those songs!!! (But I watch a LOT of figure skating, which means I hear a LOT of different types of music…

    PS: I did this same questionnaire a few months back (well same TYPE of questionnaire, it had a few different questions) It’s here if you are interested to see how mine turned out :)


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