Flashback: Movies. Yes. About those.

Flashback Friday button I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, at least a dozen times, that movies are not my thing. I don’t get them. They speak in images and spoken words–media I only occasionally understand. I prefer the world of text, beautiful text. Movies are only useful to me when accompanied by subtitles.

Because of this, I’ll be responding to Linda’s Flashback prompt as questions and answers instead of my usual narrative. I just haven’t the connection to movies that enables a cohesive narrative.

What movies were popular when you were growing up?

Well, since I “grew up” only recently, that’s an interesting one to answer. And since I was (and am) pretty unaware of movies, I find it hard to identify specifics. It seemed like Forrest Gump was ALWAYS on at a certain friend’s house. I think it was on television–although they could have had a video of it.

Did you go to the movies very frequently? Do you remember what was the first movie you ever saw?

Nope, not very frequently at all. My first movie watched in the theatre was Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. I was eight years old. My second was Sense and Sensibility, two years later. I think during my peak “teenagey” years, I may have gone to one or two movies a year–and then only because someone invited me and I wanted to spend time with them.

I’ve never seen a movie in a theatre by myself. What a waste of money!

What is your favorite genre of movies?

I like, and have always liked, musicals. Apart from that? Movies based on books (that I’ve read), when the movie is a relatively faithful rendering. Does that count as a genre? (I told you I’m really much more of a book person.)

What were your favorites then, and have they withstood the test of time?

My family didn’t own a tv, or anything that could play movies until I was a teenager–so it was always a treat when we went to my grandparent’s house and could watch movies there. Our favorite, which we watched over and over and over again, was Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. My grandma’s comment, after a series of rewatchings, has entered family legend: “That movie’s all about sex and violence!”

And it is, pretty much–as are most movies, we’ve decided.

Nevertheless, it remains a favorite to this day.

Do you have any particular memories associated with movies?

My first date was to watch the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring at a pizza place and then to attend the midnight showing of The Two Towers on the night it first came out. It was…probably not the smartest plan for a first date. My parents had second thoughts the week before I was to go–but by then they had already said that I could…and it was far too late to get a ticket for one of my brothers to chaperone. The next year I went to the midnight showing of The Return of the King with my sister–and to the group showing of the extended editions of both of the preceding titles at a local microbrewery beforehand. Those two occasions are probably the only two times that I’ve actually been excited about seeing a movie in a theatre.

Was buying snacks a regular part of the movie experience? What was your favorite movie snack?

Nope. Sometimes Dad would buy a bucket or two of popcorn to be shared among the lot of us–but usually we went without. I can’t say I’ve ever purchased food at a theatre.

Visit Linda for more Flashback Friday posts–most of them likely much more exciting than mine!

2 thoughts on “Flashback: Movies. Yes. About those.”

  1. I identify with about half of what you said and the reasons behind it. =) The big treat when I was growing up was to go to the theatre – and we did so with some regularity. But that’s because we had a $1 Theatre and so we’d wait for the movies to go there and then we’d stuff a snack in our pocket and enjoy the show. =)


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