Check out my debut album!!!!

Oxya’s first album, “Sacrifice my wife’s brother”, is sure to be an absolute hit.

You can download it via a link here at bekahcubed for a single low price of $9.99 for 15 songs, or you can order the old-fashioned CD for $24.99 plus shipping and handling. Why such a high price for the CD when the disc and case costs less than $0.50?

Because the album cover is totally worth it. Check it out!

OXYA album cover
(Modified from an original image by Allie_Caulfield)

If you haven’t figured out yet, this is completely bogus.

My little sister “tagged” me in a Facebook meme with the following instructions:

1 – Click on the link to get a random wikipedia article. The title of the article is your band’s name. (My band)

2 – Click on the link to get a Random Quotation from “Quotations”. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album. (The quote that inspired my album)

3 – Click on a link to get some random photos from the last seven days on flickr. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. (I, because I did not want to violate copyright, instead went to Yahoo Images Search and selected “Only from” under Site/Domain and “Creator Allows Reuse–Remix, Tweak, Build Upon” for Creative Common License. I used “image” as my search term–although you could also use “random” or another vague word.)

4 – Use photoshop or similar to put it all together. (I, being a frugal soul, use the free, open-source GIMP as my photo editing software. It’s not quite as user-friendly so I’m told, but I generally can figure out how to work it from a Photoshop tutorial–and the price is right!)

5 – Post it to FB with this text in the “caption” and TAG the friends you want to join in. (Being somewhat unfond of placing images on Facebook–or of allowing Facebook rights to any of my creative works, for that matter–I chose to share my album on bekahcubed rather than on Facebook.)

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