Recap (Sep 5-11)

Nothing’s new on bekahcubed. I had no time to write reviews, create photo albums, or post recipes. Maybe next week…

However, I have had a chance to do some ’round the web surfing.

Related to Previous Posts

  • A Primer on American Civil Religion

    “One of the most significant and notable aspects of early Christianity within the diverse Roman context was the transnational nature of this new faith. Christianity wasn’t the religion of any particular ethnic group but gathered for itself peoples from every tribe, language and nation. American civil religion attempts to appropriate even this aspect of Christianity by pointing to America’s immigrant heritage yet it does so by substituting American citizenship for citizenship within the body of Christ.

    It is appropriate for Christians to love their nation, to serve their country, and to seek the shalom of their city. It is not appropriate for us to confuse our national citizenship with our citizenship in the kingdom of God nor to attempt to confuse these two things by appropriating Christian terminology in the service of political zealotry.”

    Related to my thoughts on American Gospel by Jon Meacham, as well as The Myth of a Christian Nation)

  • “Just Me and My Bible” is Unbiblical
    A collection of quotes on why Biblical interpretation shouldn’t be done alone

    “It seems odd, that certain men who talk so much of what the Holy Spirit reveals to themselves, should think so little of what he has revealed to others.”

    Related to my recent post: Who Can You Trust?

On the web

Books for the TBR list:

  • Life Work by Darrow L. Miller
    Subtitled “A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day”, I can’t imagine not being interested in what this book has to say.
  • Politics According to the Bible by Wayne Grudem
    I’ve been wanting to read this ever since I first heard that Grudem was working on a book about theology and politics (thank you, Boomer in the Pew, for tipping me off!) Now since I just finished reading The Myth of a Christian Nation, I’m even more curious to hear what Grudem has to say–which I’m guessing is a bit different than what Boyd had to say.
  • Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue
    This novel narrated by a five year old boy who has never known life outside one room sounds absolutely fascinating.

Thought-provoking posts:

  • Why should we read fiction?

    “Fictional characters and fictional events have the same sort of objective reality as Mickey Mouse, and they can have substantial effects on what we mistakenly think of as the ‘real world.'”

    “Fictional characters, fictional events, fictional places implant pictures in our heads, or present pictures to our eyes and ears. Fictions can paint pictures of worlds that attract us, and if the attraction is strong enough those pictures evoke a desire to realize that world. They might also plant pictures of worlds that repel us, and evoke a response of ‘Never.'”

  • Why Read, Part 2

    “None of us escapes the influence of fictional pictures or fictional friends. Imagination is not something we can take or leave. Our thoughts and actions, and our character, are always guided and shaped by some form of imagination. The issue is always whether our imagination is richly or poorly stocked, whether it is shaped by nightmares or molded by dreams.”

    HT: Justin Taylor

  • On the Vanity of Obsessions

    There is only one obsession that never disappoints: the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. All that we long for, all that we require, all that we seek, we’ll find it in Him. He alone satisfies, He alone fills to overflowing, He alone is worthy of our passion. He is to be our one magnificent obsession. Anything else we seek apart from Him will not only disappoint, it will become an idol, an empty and powerless false god.”

Videos worth seeing:

    Important discussions before bath-time.

    This cracked me up hard-core!
    HT: 22 Words

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