Time for a little gender game…

And yes, I just used the word “gender”. Because this time I’m actually talking about the social constructs of male and female rather than the biological differences between male and female (for the most part).

“First Things” has a list of 50 Things a Woman Should be Able to Do and 50 Things a Woman Should Never Do.

They also have a nice little list of 50 Things a Man Should be Able to Do and 50 Things a Man Should Never Do.

Just for the record, I don’t agree with everything on the lists. But I do think they’re kind of fun/funny.

So here’s my game. Choose a gender (whichever you prefer to identify with) and give yourself two points for every item you have done on the “50 Things a ___ Should be able to do”. Now take away two points for every item you have done on the “50 Things a ___ Should Never Do”.

Then tell us your points and give some comments.

Here, I’ll start.
I’m a woman

+ (28×2) – (6×2) = 44

Okay, so those first fifteen–the Proverbs 31 ones? So not fair.

So I don’t do much that I shouldn’t–but I ought to do tons more.

Yep, that pretty much describes me, right folks? :-)

After performing so awfully as a woman, I’m wondering if I’d make a better man.

Me as a man

+(22×2) – (5×2) = 34

Yeah, um. This is ridiculous. I’m a rather accomplished woman, but I only score a 44 on the woman one. And I’d make an AWFUL man (just ask my brothers), yet I can score a 34 on the man one? There’s something wrong with this picture.

Can anybody beat me for femininity or masculinity (as defined by this silly little game I just made up?)

Give it a try and leave your score in the comments.

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