Thankful Thursday: The Body

Today I’m thankful that God has provided all that I need–for my physical body and IN His spiritual body.

I’m thankful for His provision for my physical body…

…for free meals while I’m working (that mean I don’t have to try to pack a lunch that can keep through a long commute)

…for delicious food waiting in my crockpot after a long (LONG) day of work

…for another cavity-free dental appointment (I love NOT having to pay for dental work!)

…for a fancy new toothbrush that makes it easier to clean my wisdom teeth

…for functional clothing and fancy furbelows to cover me–and make me feel pretty :-)

And I’m thankful for the spiritual body that God uses to minister to me in so many ways:

…for my Dad, who functions as a true spiritual head for me, offering advice and acting on my behalf

…for my sister, who never fails to encourage me in conversation

…for my roommate, who cares and does little (and big) things to let me know that she does

…for book club, and the men (and occasional women) who are willing to exercise their minds together with me over a beer

…for Bible study, and the wonderful women who share their hearts and with whom I can share mine

How remarkably blessed I am to have everything that I need for my physical body–and to be placed into a spiritual body that provides for so many of my other needs.

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1 thought on “Thankful Thursday: The Body”

  1. I feel like all I’m doing these days is leaving the same comment on each of your posts but…it fits.


    This was very encouraging and I kinda needed to hear it today when my physical body is giving me fits and I’m feeling a bit worn out. But God is good and He has given me everything I NEED. That’s the important thing to remember! Thanks.


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