Dedicated to Amber and John and Grace

…and all the rest of the people who didn’t tag me in the Facebook meme :-)

How old will you be in 10 months?

Is the last person you kissed attractive?
Good question. Not sure. I’m guessing the last person I kissed was an infant or toddler–probably a cute one.

What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months?
Currently? Not sure. Lots of things happening, not sure how any of them will turn out. But Christmas is in 3 months!

Who was the last person you called?
According to my phone, Anna. But I didn’t really call her; Grace did. Anna’s phone and mine can talk for free. Grace’s and Anna’s? Not so much.

Who was the last person to call you?

What’s your ringtone?
Ring 2

Do you have any pets?
No pets.

What were you doing at 2am last night?
Sleeping in my (own) bed

Are your parents married/..divorced/..separate?
Married 27 years and still going strong. They’re up for the transition to empty-nesters, though, so we can always pray–that’s tough for many marriages.

When is the last time you saw your sister/s?
I saw all three of my sisters last night at my brother’s birthday celebration.

What happened at 10:00 am today?
Nothing has happened at 10am today as it is not yet 10am. What happen? Don’t know.

How many states have you lived in?
One, unless you count my brief stays in Florida and Taumalipas, Mexico.

How many cities/towns have you lived in?
Ditto the above.

What’s the initial of the last person you kissed?
As I said, I’m not sure exactly who I last kissed, except that it was likely a baby.

Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Shoes if I’ve got anywhere to go or anything to do. Socks if I’m done for the day and lounging around the house (or going to bed when it’s cold). Bare feet if it’s springtime and I’m planting a garden :-)

Are you a social person?
I think so. Although I do need alone time as well.

What was the last thing you ate?
Homemade cherry pie (for dinner last night)

What is your favorite ice cream?
Used to be butter brickle–and I still love it. But there’s this new Raspberry Cow Tracks stuff–raspberry ice cream with dark chocolate chunks. Um…amazing.

What is your favorite dessert?
Homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwiches?
I prefer honey, actually. But if I’ve got to do jelly, I prefer homemade strawberry jam (just like my sis!)

Do you like coffee?
I’m a recreational user. I only drink when I’m with people. But I enjoy it when I do!

What do you drink in the morning?
A tall glass of water to rehydrate from a long night of not sleeping.

Have you ever kissed anyone whose named started with D L M R S U Z?

Don’t do a lot of kissing except of babies. But I’m sure I’ve kissed a few babies with one or the other of those initials.

Known someone who’s name starts with U?
Laughing out loud over my sister’s answer: “Yeah, my brother’s name is Ugly.” As for myself, I’m not sure.

Do you like Chinese food?

How big is your bed?

Is your room clean?
Sort of. I just came back from a trip, so I have bags sitting on the floor, but otherwise, most surfaces are clean–except the futon, which is piled with clothes I want to alter sometime when I get some time.

Laptop or Desktop computer?
Desktop. They live, like, a bazillion years longer than laptops do.

Favorite comedians?
Dunno. I don’t listen to/watch a lot of comedians.

Do you smoke?

Does anyone like you?
I hope so. (It’d be a sad thing to be unliked.)

Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?
She could have been a concert pianist–but instead she became a female provost and a Secretary of State.

Sleep with or without clothes on?
My lips are sealed.

Who sleeps with you every night?
I don’t sleep with anyone every night. Or any night.

Do long distance relationships work?
For short periods of time. With a lot of work.

How many times have you been pulled over by the police?
I can’t even count. No tickets, but I have had lights out, registration expired, etc. (Lights out was most common–I think I was pulled over for a missing light in at least every one of my parents vehicles when I was just starting to drive.)

Pancakes or French Toast?
Depends on my mood.

How do you like your eggs?
Depends on my mood. At a restaurant? Over hard.

Last person on your missed call list?
Anna? I don’t have a missed call list, that I know of–but I did miss a call from Anna yesterday.

McDonalds or Burger King?
McDonalds. BK used to be good–but now they’re cardboard like everywhere else. And McDonalds has those to-die-for Wild Berry Smoothies.

Number of pillows?

Last thing you bought?

What are you hearing right now?
I’m not.

Pick a lyric?
Say what?

Can you play pool?
I can attempt to.

Do you know how to swim?
Yes, but not spectacularly.

Do you like maps?

Tell me a random fact:
7×6=42 (You didn’t say it had to be about me)

Ever do a keg stand?
What’s that? (Okay, so I’m naive–whatever it is, I haven’t done it.)

What is your favorite season?

What is the first music video you ever saw?
No idea.

Favorite quote:
“If I find in myself a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was born for another world.” ~C.S. Lewis (quoted loosely–I’m sure I messed some words up in there.)

What is your favorite hangout?
Where the cool kids are = )

Best friend’s name?

How long have you known them?
25 1/2 years

Last time you laughed at something stupid?
Last night. Did you know that the “J” in “Timothy J Mentner” stands for “genius”?

What time did you wake up this morning?
First, at 6am (‘Cause that’s my normal waking time.) But I chose to go back to sleep and slept until nine. A gorgeous twelve hours of sleep!

Wake up next to anyone?

Best thing about winter?

Name a couple of favorite colors:
Pink and yellow and white :-) (Or at least that’s what I said when I was a little girl.)

I, unlike Amber and John and Grace, shall graciously invite any of my readers to play along, should they will


4 thoughts on “Dedicated to Amber and John and Grace”

  1. I just may have to do this one when I get a chance :)

    I’ve only been pulled over once, for no insurance, it was my parents car and I didn’t realize their insurance had expired (had expired a year ago actually, they’d forgotten to renew it). Got away with just a warning because my name wasn’t on the car registration. Funny thing is that I took my road test on that car when I got my license during the time it was uninsured and it wasn’t caught.

    My bro was in the car, he was about 13 at the time. Here we are pulled over by TWO cop cars, wondering whats going on, and he says to me… “This is SOOOO exciting!”


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