I Got Nothin’

When someone doesn’t have anything to say (or has something to say but not the time to say it) do you prefer that they tell you via a blog post that they have nothing to say (or no time in which to say it), or would you prefer that they just remain silent?


(I should be back with a Thankful Thursday for later on today. But today is my long day and I’ll soon be leaving for a 12 hour work day.)

5 thoughts on “I Got Nothin’”

  1. I’m with Carrie. I tend to kick myself for writing when I have nothing to say, but it doesn’t bother me when other people do it.

    Which brings us to the next question: do you mind hypocrisy in blogging theory and practice? :-)

  2. Is this one of those? Lol!

    It depends, if there’s a whole bunch of those all the time, there wouldn’t be much point in reading the blog. I wouldn’t do this if I was only going to miss one day of blogging or something. If I was going to miss more than 3 days, I’d probably give a quick update, just so regular followers aren’t worried about you.

    I have one blog friend that used to post at least once, if not twice a day, for years, and now suddenly we haven’t heard a thing for about 3 months… that’s a little worrisome.

    If someone was ALWAYS posting “I have nothing to say” I’d probably leave a comment saying “I have nothing to comment” lol.

  3. I agree with Teresa. :) If it’s going to be a couple days, give a quick update. If it’s just a day or so, I wouldn’t post.

    Hmm… I wonder if I’ve followed that guideline? lol


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