40 (Not so secret) Secrets

The instructions on this little meme stolen from my little sis are as follows: “40 Secrets about yourself. Be honest no matter what. Answer these 40 questions. Have fun. DON’T SEND THIS BACK TO ME!!”

Not sure what that last bit was about. But just in case, I won’t be sending this back to Grace :-)

1. Have you ever been asked out?

2. Where was your profile picture taken?
The photo of me in the sidebar was taken at my internship graduation on the UNL campus.

3. What’s your middle name?
Marie (or Jane or Jo–as in Becky J. Mentner)

5. Does your crush like you back?

6. What is your current mood?

7. What color socks are you wearing?
Not wearing socks

8. What color shirt are you wearing?
Blue (but only ’cause I haven’t dressed for the day–I’ll soon be trying to find my red in order to participate in the Husker “Red Out Around the World”)

9. Missing something?
My voice. It’s a good thing next week is the University’s fall break–because I currently couldn’t lecture.

10. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
Oh man–I’d stop the Holocaust, or rewrite the Constitution to emancipate the slaves from the foundation of our country, or prevent the Twin Towers from falling or… There’s so much in history that I’d LIKE to see changed–but I have to believe that God had a purpose even in these horrific events in the past, and that any attempt of mine to change history would only result in bungling it. However, the pages that are still to be written are currently up for grabs–and I’m willing to let God make me an instrument for affecting how the story turns out from here.

11. If you must be an animal for one day what would you be?
A duck

12. Ever had a near death experience?
Almost falling asleep while driving.

13. Something you do a lot?
Read (Go figure)

14. The song stuck in your head?

15. Who did you copy and paste this from?

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
Albert Einstein (March 14 is the day for geniuses)

17. When was the last time you cried?
Wednesday night, probably

18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Depends on how you define large audience. And how you define “sung in front of”. I’ve sung on my church’s worship team in the past–but my church is relatively small (80-120 people over the time I’ve been there).

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
That’s no secret. To be able to multitask while still gaining maximum in-the-moment-ness with each activity. I have too many goals and not enough time in which to do them. That’s why I plan on living at least to age 120.

20. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
I don’t really think about it–I guess it depends on the person. Some people have certain attributes or features that demand first notice. (Unusual hair, large nose, pretty eyelashes, whatever)

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
If I’m going to go to a coffee shop, Lincoln has plenty of non-chain local shops with lovely ambience that I’d much rather spend time at. Even then, I generally either buy a steamer or an Italian soda. Unless it’s early enough in the day that I can afford the caffeine.

22. What’s your biggest secret?
I once weighed 165 pounds, and thought I was gorgeous at that weight.

23. Favorite color?[s]
Don’t really have one

24. Do you still watch kiddie shows on tv?
That implies that I ever did.

25. What’s on your walls in your room?
Renoir and Monet prints from calendars. Miscellaneous quotes. Framed verses in calligraphy (done by my childhood pastor’s wife). Sticky notes with various passwords on them (I know, I shouldn’t do that.) A cartoon drawn by my roommate’s little brother.

26. What are you?
Physically, I am a collection of organic and inorganic compounds, mostly carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. These make up the many components of thousands of cells, each of which possess my own unique DNA but which express that DNA in hundreds of different ways. But the physical is the least of what I am, for God, in His great love, breathed into this bag of cells, tissues, and organs the breath of life–something of His very self. And though my image-bearing capacity was marred by the fall, God graciously redeemed this thing called myself and is in the process of remaking me to reflect His Self.

27. Do you speak any other languages?
Like Grace said, not really.

28. What’s your favorite smell?

29. Describe your life in one word.

30. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?

31. What are you thinking about right now?
Not much

33. What should you be doing?
Not much !!!!

34. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
Someone at work. I got over it.

35. How often do you talk to God?
Mmm–sometimes we talk, sometimes we just spend time together. But pretty much constantly.

36. Do you like working in the yard?
Until I start sneezing and my nose starts running and my eyes get itchy. If it weren’t for allergies, I’d adore yard work.

37. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
I don’t know. Perhaps some day I will meet a man whose name I would delight to take as my own and who would invite me to do so. Should that time come, I’ll let you know.

38. Do you act differently around the person you like?
Not sure how to respond to this one.

39. What is your natural hair color?
What you see is what you get. Somewhere between blonde and brown (although I’ve always claimed brown). Depending on the lighting and what else I’m wearing, it may appear to have reddish glints.

40. Who was the last person to make you cry?
God, through His amazing gift of sisters in Christ

Anybody got any other SECRETS to share? I’m ALL about secrets here :-)

3 thoughts on “40 (Not so secret) Secrets”

  1. #11 – Why a duck?? :)

    As always, I appreciate your humorous take on questions like these; you never fail to put a smile on my face. But here’s a question for you: are there any memes that don’t include a single question about liking someone or having a crush or being kissed, etc?


  2. Why would I want to be a duck? That’s easy. ‘Cause then I wouldn’t mind putting my head underwater quite so much. As it is, I’m a rather poor swimmer because I abhor sticking my face in water.

    As for the other question? Apparently not. I really wish there were some memes without crush/kissing/boyfriend/girlfriend questions–because I’m running out of creative ways of saying “None of your business.” :-)

    I’ve been considering that I have two options: either I start writing my own memes or I start deleting the dumb questions. I’m just about fed up enough with those questions that I’m willing to do either.


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