Thankful Thursday: Our House

I had a ridiculously long day at work today–and probably won’t be able to finish everything tomorrow. But that’s okay, ’cause I’m gonna be back in Columbus again tomorrow evening.

Why am I traveling to Lincoln and then back to Columbus again, you may ask?

Because Anna and I got a HOUSE!

And not only did we get a house, we got THE house–the stupendous, amazing, perfect-for-entertaining house.

The House of Dreams

Today I’m thankful…

…for the big kitchen with lots of counter and cupboard space

…for the living room with a fireplace

…for the ginormous deck overlooking big backyard and the lake

…for the spare bedroom that means we can have people spend the night–in their own room

…for the bedrooms that face east, allowing us to enjoy the early morning sun (if we don’t have to be out of the house before the sun rises.

…for the two bathrooms which mean I won’t inconvenience Anna when I get up in a way-too-engrossing book in the tub

…for the family room that’ll let us chillax and do computer-y stuff together (rather than being holed up in our respective rooms

…for the lack of shared walls which mean that for the first time since we moved out of our parents’ house we can play the piano at all hours of the day and night

…for the craft room with its shelving that I’m itching to display my fabric on

…for the wood paneled garage that I’m probably WAY too excited about.

…for the house’s fantastic name (which I’m sorry I won’t be sharing online–instead, I’ll be calling it the House of Dreams)

Can you tell that I’m a little excited about our house?

But wanna know what excites me most? What excites me most is that I know this home will be an ideal means through which I can develop and grow relationships in this new town. I know it will be an opportunity to relaunch the ministry of home that I’ve let go dormant amidst the up-in-the-air-ness of the past year or so. I can’t wait to establish friendships, to find mothers who need their children babysat, to find girls who need an older woman to take them under her wing, to find people who need a place to hang out, to invite older and wiser brothers and sisters to join us for a meal. I can’t wait to host Bible study or have a book club or invite girls over to learn how to sew.

I’m thankful that God has given me a new start in a new town–with a new house that can serve as a launching pad for serving this new community.

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