Have you ever?

Stolen from Teresa Dawn per her gracious offer.

Have you ever…

{X} Started your own blog

{X} Slept under the stars
If you count the time I fell asleep on the yard swing reading a book–and was accidentally locked out of the house.

{ } Played in a band

{ } Visited Hawaii

{X} Watched a meteor shower
Best ever, Mexico 2008. Lying on the big trampoline with Caroline and the other Bekah. I didn’t see as many as Bekah, but I still almost reached 100.

{X} Given more than you can afford to charity
I liked Teresa Dawn’s answer “Well, more than I thought I could afford and certainly more than I would have spent on myself, but I didn’t starve to death afterwards.” I’ve given what I thought was sacrificially only to find that God supplied for my own needs in abundance.

{X} Been to Disney
Walt Disney World in Orlando, Summer 2006. It was with an enormous group, but my little group was comprised of myself and eight guys. Enormous fun.

{X} Climbed a mountain
So there was this one particular mountain in Yellowstone. I’d scouted all the hiking and tried to find something that would be appropriate for the whole family (and that wouldn’t tax me medically too much). I thought I’d found the perfect one. We climbed it safely, got down, and discovered that it was flagged as “not recommended for those with respiratory or heart problems.” Oops. Well, I’m glad we climbed it anyway–I ended up just fine.

{ } Held a praying mantis

{X} Sang a solo
Only at church, though

{ } Bungee jumped

{ } Visited Paris
Coveting those who have–Lord, forgive me.

{X} Watched a thunder and lightning storm

{X} Taught yourself an art from scratch
If sewing, quilting, cross-stitching, embroidery, crochet, paper-making…. count as “an art”

{ } Adopted a child
No, but I pray that I might someday

{X} Had food poisoning

{ } Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

{X} Grown your own vegetables

{ } Seen the Mona Lisa in France
More covetousness. Bleh!

{ } Slept on an overnight train

{X} Had a pillow fight

{ } Hitch hiked

{ } Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

{X} Built a snow fort
Hollowed out piles from the snow plows. Oh yes!

{X} Held a lamb
Not sure if it was actually a lamb–But I have held a sheep, at any rate. I enjoyed my animal science class thoroughly!

{X} Gone skinny dipping

{ } Run a marathon

{ } Ridden in a gondola in Venice

{ } Seen a total eclipse
Path of totality for a solar eclipse will cross through the Midwest in 2017. I’m planning on being there!

{X} Watched a sunrise or sunset
Best ever? Sunrise over the Atlantic with my STP team.

{ } Hit a home run

{ } Been on a cruise

{X} Seen Niagara Falls in person

{X} Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
If you count my visit to Sweden. It’s not like I went to see the church they were baptized in or anything.

{ } Seen an Amish community

{ } Taught yourself a new language

{ } Had enough money to be truly satisfied
Does money provide satisfaction? I think not. But God has, at times, given me grace to be truly satisfied in a variety of financial situations. Covetousness and discontent are, however, probably some of my most common besetting sins.

{ } Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

{X} Gone rock climbing

{ } Seen Michelangelo’s David in person

{X} Sung karaoke

{X} Seen Old Faithful erupt

{ } Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

{ } Visited Africa

{X} Walked on a beach by moonlight

{ } Been transported in an ambulance

{ } Had your portrait painted

{ } Gone deep sea fishing

{ } Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

{ } Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

{ } Gone scuba diving or snorkeling

{ } Kissed in the rain

{X} Played in the mud

{X} Gone to a drive-in theater

{ } Been in a movie

{ } Visited the Great Wall of China

{ } Started a business

{ } Taken a martial arts class

{ } Visited Russia

{X} Served at a soup kitchen

{ } Sold Girl Scout Cookies

{ } Gone whale watching

{X} Got flowers for no reason

{X} Donated blood, platelets or plasma

{ } Been sky diving

{ } Visited a Concentration Camp

{X} Bounced a check

{ } Flown in a helicopter

{X} Saved a favorite childhood toy

{ } Visited the Lincoln Memorial

{X} Eaten caviar

{X} Pieced a quilt

{ } Stood in Times Square

{ } Toured the Everglades

{ } Been fired from a job

{ } Seen the Changing of the Guards in London

{X} Broken a bone
Three actually. My collar bone when I was a toddler and both bones in my forearm when I was a pre-teen.

{ } Been a passenger on a motorcycle

{ } Seen the Grand Canyon in person

{ } Published a book

{ } Visited the Vatican

{ } Bought a brand new car
Don’t really intend to. Consider them a grand waste of money.

{ } Walked in Jerusalem

{X} Had your picture in the newspaper
Senior year of high school when I was one of two homeschooled National Merit finalists in the greater Lincoln area. The picture was ginormous.

{ } Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve

{ } Visited the White House

{ } Killed and prepared an animal for eating

{X} Had chickenpox
Three times.

{ } Saved someone’s life
Depends on what you mean. I’ve sent people to the hospital with acute appendicitis that, if untreated, might have resulted in death–but anyone could have done that. I’ve adjusted tube feed or parenteral nutrition recommendations to prevent what could have been disastrous results. But, no, I’ve never dramatically pulled someone from the brinks of death.

{ } Sat on a jury

{ } Met someone famous

{X} Joined a book club

{ } Got a tattoo

{ } Had a baby

{ } Seen the Alamo in person

{ } Swam in the Great Salt Lake

{ } Been involved in a law suit

{X} Owned a cell phone

{X} Been stung by a bee

{ } Tell us where you were born
Wha… That’s not a “Have you ever” question! But I was born on West Wilkins Street in Lincoln, Nebraska–in the home my parents rented from the housing authority.

I’ve done 37 of the above 100. What about you?

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