On the Front Page

I’m on the front page.

Of Google.

If you’re looking for…

Other odd Google searches that have led readers to bekahcubed…

  • “wasn’t wearing a slip”
  • how long does it take to bend a bone
  • proposal with dum dum pops
  • what food group does gatorade belong to

But most of the searches that lead people here are rather straightforward (or boring)–titles of books, quotes from books, names of people, etc.

What’s the best Google search that has sent someone to YOUR website? Conversely, what’s the weirdest search you’ve ever done?

2 thoughts on “On the Front Page”

  1. Those are hilarious!

    But hey, how do you find out that info?? I know about the Stats page with Blogger, and that tells me a little about the searches that lead people to my blog, but you obviously have a much more thorough source of information. Is it difficult/complicated/time-consuming to find out that info?

    So, how long does it take to bend a bone anyway? ;-)


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