74 Truths

Another meme from Facebook. Gotta love those teenaged Facebook friends who keep me well-stocked with memes (even if they’re often overcrowded with boyfriend/girlfriend/who-likes-who questions–which I’ve taken to cutting out.


1. Last beverage?
Water from the tap

2. Last phone call?
Anna asking me if there’s anything else we need at the grocery store

3. Last text message?
With Grace, regarding a new purchase of hers

4. Last song listened to?
Emmanuel by Michael W. Smith

5. Last time you cried?
Yesterday, while speaking with my sister on the phone.


6. lost someone special?

7. been depressed?

8. been drunk and threw up?


9. Black (I did say I’ve been depressed, right? Apparently people who like black are more likely to be depressed. But what can I say, black makes me look beautiful… Have I said yet that I’m a little vain?)

10. Blue

11. Teal


12. Made a new friend?
Yes, several. I’ve been blessed with many new friends through book club, work, and church.

13. Laughed until you cried?

14. Met someone who changed you?
Doesn’t every person we meet make an indelible impression on us, either for good or for ill, but always, within the will of God for our ultimate good and His glory?

15. Found out someone was talking about you?
Yep, but it was nice things! Now that’s a pleasant surprise!


16. How many people on your Facebook friends list do you know in real life?
All but two bloggy buddies I’ve befriend–Becky of Boys Rule My Life and Kristi of For Such a Time as This

17. Do you have any pets?

18. Do you want to change your name?
I wouldn’t mind changing my last name someday.

19. What did you do for your last birthday?
I don’t remember. (That’s what happens when you get old!)

20. What time did you wake up today?
11:30 (haven’t slept in that late for at least 5 years)

21. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Last night, or tonight? Last night, bathing after a great time hanging out with Teresa and Ruth. Tonight, putting up Christmas decorations after a long day of making muffins and putting the house in order.

22. What is one thing you CANNOT wait for?
Mmm. Well, there are things I feel I cannot wait for–but the truth is, I will wait until God chooses that whatever it is occurs (if ever).

23. When was the last time you saw your mother?

24. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
My feet hurting (I started the day in heels, despite knowing that I had a house to clean and ~15 dozen muffins to make. Sometimes I’m a little low on sense.)

25. What are you listening to right now?
I Saw Three Ships come sailing in…

26. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?
Several persons named Tom, actually–some of them even at the same time.

27. What’s getting on your nerves right now?
My ears

28. What web page do you visit most often?
Not sure. These days, probably UNL’s “blackboard”–I’ve been busy inputting grades and communicating with students who are preparing for finals.

29. What’s your Zodiac sign?
Pisces. And I’d claim a fish even if my birthday didn’t fall within that “sign.” My real sign is ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthus): Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.

30. Are you a he or a she?
Now that one’s pretty obvious. I have two x chromosomes.

31. What elementary school did you attend?
Twin Maples Christian School (Homeschool)

32. What middle school did you attend?
Umm… Twin Maples or… umm… Agape Christian Academy (a homeschoolish school I attended for two and a half? years–even if I didn’t learn anything there.)

33. What high school did you attend?
Twin Maples Christian School. And Lincoln East High for a couple and a half classes.

34. What’s your hair color?

35. Is your hair long or short?
Way long. As long as it can get. (Which is a different length for every person, by the way. No matter how long I let my hair grow out, it never gets longer than the small of my back–which is what it has been for the last five, six, maybe seven? years.)

36. What do you like about life?
God’s grace.

37. What do you like about yourself?
That God has chosen to work through a cracked vessel like myself.

38. How many piercings do you have?
Two, maybe. I haven’t stuck anything in ’em for years (8?)–so they might not really be there anymore.

39. How many tattoos do you have?
None. Have I ever told you how I’m not really a fan of unnecessary pain?

40. Are you a righty or a lefty?
I’m a righty.


41. Surgery?
An exploratory laporascopy(?) as a preschooler. Otherwise? A nose job.

42. Piercing?
My ears

43. Best friend?

44. Sport?
I’ve never participated in organized sports.

45. Vacation?
Black Hills, maybe? Unless you count Grandma and Grandpa’s.


46. Eating…

47. Drinking…

48. About to…
Post this (and then get ready for bed)

49. Listening to…
Didn’t I already answer this one? Except the music has shut off now.

50. Waiting for…


51. Want kids?
Now that’s a REAL secret. Give a good guess.

52. Get Married?
Erm, ditto the above.

53. Career?
Already got one, thank you very much.


54. Lips or eyes?

55. Hugs or kisses?
From you at least :-)

56. Shorter or taller?
Referring to what? Taller if you’re talking counters or bookshelves. Shorter if you’re talking horrible books that you nevertheless feel obligated to finish, telephone conversations, or waits for a public restroom stall to open up.

57. Older or Younger?
Again, what are you talking about? Older is generally better when it comes to (many) books, furniture, and cookware. Younger is usually better for pipes, insulation, and energy efficient appliances.

58. Romantic or spontaneous?
Are those supposed to be opposites?

59. Nice stomach or nice arms?
If by nice stomach, you mean less abdominal fat, stomach is the correct answer. Abdominal fat is positively correlated with risk for heart disease. Even if you’ve got noodle arms, you’re healthier if you don’t have that belly fat.

60. Sensitive or loud?
Another “these are supposed to be opposites?” question.

61. Trouble maker or hesitant?
Hah. I just got it. These are all asking about what you find more attractive in a person of the opposite sex. Which means I should have been deleting this whole section. Blech!


62. Kissed a stranger?

63. Drank hard liquor?
Nope. Only when mixed into girly drinks–and even then, only rarely.

64. Lost glasses/contacts?
Yes, but never permanently (Thank You, Lord!)


65. Yourself?
I believe that I exist. But do I believe in myself? I believe that in myself dwells no good thing. Only by God’s grace, freely bestowed, do I have anything.

66. Miracles?

67. Heaven?
I believe in God the Father, Maker of Heaven… Yep, that’d be part of my standard confession of faith.

68. Santa Claus?
No. Never have.

69. Kissing on the first date?
I believe that people do it. I don’t believe people should do it.

70. Angels?
Yep. Those aren’t part of the creeds or anything–but they are part of the Bible–which I affirm wholeheartedly.

As if I hadn’t been all along?

71. Did you sing today?
I’d be hard pressed to come up with a day that I haven’t.

72. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why?
Scary thought. I believe God has placed me on this earth at this time for a purpose–and that His purposes are best. It’d be fun to visit other times, I suppose, but I really am content with just living an old-fashioned life in the modern age.

73. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?
Ooo…that’s a toughy. There’ve been many a difficult day and many a wonderful day. I’m glad I’ve lived them all, I’m not sure I’d like to relive any of them.

74. Posting this as 100 truths?

Nope, ‘cuz I cut out all the stupid crush questions–leaving me with 74 questions. (And that’s with the eight that I didn’t realize were crush questions and a few more that I felt were innocuous enough to leave in.)

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