
Amber filled out this “first” meme last night–and I’m thrilled that she did. ‘Cause it seems just long enough to quickly fill out before I jaunt to Lincoln to see my FIRST (and second) brother graduate from college. Congrats to Joshua and Daniel!

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
I have yet to go to my FIRST prom. So who knows. Maybe someday as a chaperone?

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
I should hope so.

“Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.”
~Revelation 2:4-5

3. What was your FIRST job?
Washing dishes for my pastor’s wife and across-the-street neighbor.

4. What was your FIRST car?
Benedick (Benny D for short), named after Benedick in “Much Ado about Nothing.” Benny was a good, faithful Chevy Cavalier. He served me until the day he died.

5. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Anna, asking if I was awake :-)

6. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Dunno. Probably myself :-(

7. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mary Menter, although I called her Mom

8. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Nowhere. It was a Wycliffe plane and we just circled about Seward.

9. Who was your FIRST best friend?
Bethany, whose last name I no longer remember. We had matching baby dolls, thanks to her mother.

10. What was your FIRST sport played?
Never played sports. Sorry.

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
Likely at my cousin Ariann’s house. Either that or at Anna’s best friend Amanda’s house. Or maybe at Yvonne’s (a lady in our church who had three boys but no girls–now she has a girl!)

12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
Anna. When you live with only one other person, the options tend to be limited.

13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
Anna and I were flower girls at my Aunt Nellie’s wedding.

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Before or after I got out of bed? Turned off my alarm and the electric blanket before laying in bed for another hour. But after I got, I made my bed. It’s a flylady habit.

15. What was the FIRST actual concert you ever went to?
What does that mean, “actual” concert? My pastor’s wife took my sister and I to see an orchestral performance when we were in late elementary school. Otherwise? Er..dunno. I’m not much of a rock concert person.

16. FIRST tattoo and/or piercing?
Ears pierced at age 8? Infection set in soon after and the ears have been mostly shut since.

17. FIRST foreign country you went to?
Mexico. Hasn’t everyone?

18. What was your FIRST run in with the law?
??? I’m coming up blank. I got a warning for speeding while coming into downtown a few months back.

19. When was your FIRST detention?
What’s detention?

20. What was the FIRST state you lived in?
The only state I’ve lived in longer than a couple of months–Nebraska

21. Who was the FIRST person to break your heart?
Kyle P. He moved to Germany with his family when I was 7. Heartbroken young lass. Who would I climb trees with anymore?

22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Anna. We’ve pretty much shared either a room or a home for all our lives. (Sans a year when she was in college and I was in Bible school and a year when she was working while I was in grad school.)

23. When was your FIRST real kiss?
Haven’t had it yet. Virgin lips here–and proud of it!

25. When was your FIRST birthday?
My first (and only) birthday was March 14, 1985. I celebrated the first ANNIVERSARY of my birthday on March 14, 1986. (I’m such a smart-alek.)

26. Who was your FIRST serious boyfriend/girlfriend?
I’ll pass on that one. I’ve never dated non-seriously, but I’d rather not drag old boyfriends into my blog.

27. What was your FIRST word?
Dunno. Mom could maybe help us out on that one. I do know that my sister’s first word was actually a sentence: “I don’t want that” referring to some food she was being fed. Mom and Dad couldn’t figure out whether to be excited or upset.

28. What was your FIRST surgery?
I’ve been told the exploratory thing-a-ma-jig doesn’t count as a surgery ’cause I didn’t get cut open, so it’d have to be the nose job. Now I can breathe. It’s exciting.

29. Who will be the FIRST to respond this?

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