Small Talk

I’m great, thanks for asking.

It just so happens today went well. I left work after less than nine and a half hours–for the SECOND time this week!

What’s more, when I got home and checked the mail, I found THIS

Letter announcing that Bubble wrap is inside

Yes, that’s right. A letter announcing that it had Bubble wrap inside.

I appreciated the physician directory and the first aid kit welcoming me into the community, but the Bubble wrap definitely stole the show!

But enough about me. How have you been? Have YOU gotten anything interesting in the mail recently?

2 thoughts on “Small Talk”

  1. Yesterday I had a box addressed to me on the front porch that was delivered by hand, not by a delivery man of some sort. It claimed to be from the north pole, from someone named Nick. The inside had a typed letter indicating that the sender had read I might like this package based on something they had read on facebook. Inside was an ornament in the likeness of the famous leg lamp from A Christmas Story. It was awesome.


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