Thankful Thursday: Sickness

“Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” Job 2:10

The words trickled into my mind as I told my sister of my thankfulness that I had not yet experienced a bilious emesis (vomiting small intestine contents.)

I was forced to accept the truth of these words and follow up: “But if God should grant me a bilious emesis, I shall thank Him for it.”

Thankful Thursday banner

This week, I am thankful…

…that God is sovereign over both health and sickness–and that He will conform me to His image with whatever means He pleases

…that God is a gracious designer who has formed my immune system to work exactly as it is

…that God is merciful and never gives me more than I can handle (even when my whole GI tract is cramping and I can barely force myself to take in fluids)

…that God grants reprieve through a few moments of sleep here and there and a book that occasionally takes my mind off the pain my body is feeling

…that, as of yet, I have not experienced a bilious emesis. Stomach contents have come up, small intestine contents have gone down–and God is sovereignly wise and unfailing gracious, even should that circumstance change.

3 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Sickness”

  1. Beckah, I’m laughing and laughing here on our warm Texas morning. I know this red beans and rice idea isn’t funny to you, or wasn’t. That is a great idea though. Too bad my kids are all grown and gone or I’d try it.

    I had to read your post to check because we NEVER had read beans and rice that I know of. It was NEBRASKA, right? Now I love them, the Louisiana kind that Mrs. Jim makes for us. We have a ham bone right now with just the right amount of less desirable meat left awaiting for the pot with the beans.
    Oh yes, it will cool off this afternoon when our Pacific front comes through. It should rain and get down into the lower 30’s tonight.

    I hope the rain is through when it is time for the monthly Seniors dinner. Dr. John Bisagno, retired Pastor Emeritus of the 23000-member Houston’s First Baptist Church, is our speaker. He is a personal and professional friend of our new preacher.

  2. I copied that post (above) up to here because I don’t know how you read old comments. Mine get put into my Yahoo and I have saved every one of them (now at 16,159).

    Did you know that Nebraska U.S. Highway 30 ends at Blair? I was born about ten miles north of there; you were born about twenty-five miles south. My BIL still takes us from visiting Nebraska relatives to their home north of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, via Hwy 30.
    Small world. :)


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