Someday is a liar and a thief…

You’ve heard it. You’ve probably said it. “Someday when I have a larger house…” “Someday when I don’t have to work…” “Someday when my house gets clean…” Maybe “Someday when I learn how to cook…”

For me, it was “Someday when I’m a housewife and the ministry of home can be my full-time job…”

That was the someday I eagerly anticipated all through my high school years.

It’s a someday that still hasn’t arrived.

Yet by God’s grace, He revealed to me a little secret…

I’m honored to be a guest poster at Offering Hospitality today. Click through to read the rest.

1 thought on “Someday is a liar and a thief…”

  1. Someday I’m going to learn to play piano proficiently. Now I have a mostly empty nest, and someday is here, but somehow it still requires discipline, planning , making time for it. It won’t happen unless I build it into my schedule no matter how open that schedule is. I’ve decided that what we put off for “someday” are things that we want to do – but we also don’t want to do for whatever reason – perhaps fear, perhaps priority, etc. I just need to make up my mind and do it.


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