Flashback: Toothsome Tales

At Bible Study on Wednesday, we were asked to tell a funny story about ourselves. I couldn’t think of one, so I had everyone else go first. I still wasn’t any closer to coming up with a story when they got to me. Thankfully, my sister reminded me of the tooth story.

Which is what Linda’s asking us about today…

Flashback Friday buttonLinda asks… What are your dental memories of childhood? Who pulled your baby teeth and how was it done – with a tissue, string, or other method? Was it a traumatic experience or no big deal? Did you have to have any teeth pulled by the dentist? Did the tooth fairy visit your house? If so, how much did you get for each tooth and how long did that last? How old were you at your first dental visit? Did you go regularly? Did you have any/many cavities as a child? Was dental hygiene taught in school? Was flossing a big deal when you were growing up? …

Joshua without teethI was eight and my brother Joshua was seven. We were climbing on our “eagle’s nest” (big wooden swingset/fort structure) out back when Joshua got upset with me for some reason.

I have no idea now what provoked him to action–but once provoked, he bit.

Problem was, I was climbing slightly above him, so the nearest available bit was my shorts clad bottom!

He took a big bite–and there went his tooth!

We called me “buns of steel” for years after that.

Me without teethFor myself, my best tooth-losing memory was the time I literally lost a tooth.

I was riding my bicycle around the neighborhood, eating an apple, trolling along nicely–and once I got home, I realized that my once loose tooth was gone.

Which wasn’t a problem, except that the tooth fairy couldn’t leave a quarter in a glass of water in lieu of a tooth that wasn’t there.

I had to find that tooth!

I went over the neighborhood with a fine-toothed (hah!) comb–but I never did find that missing tooth.

Read more tooth stories at Mocha with Linda’s Flashback Friday Meme

6 thoughts on “Flashback: Toothsome Tales”

  1. Nice Rebecca, funny, :). Once word got out I am thinking that no one ever bit you on the leg again!

    I am glad that you had a place to climb. I’ve lost a tooth also but can’t remember what the tooth fairy did about that.


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