Notta Piranha

My posts recently–and some of the comments I’ve been making elsewhere–might lead you to believe that I’m in full piranha mode.

Just waiting to sink my teeth into the nearest available fish (except for the much-sighed-over lack of fish in this particular sea.)

But I’m notta piranha.


I’m not racing out, ready to hook the nearest single male into marrying me.

I understand that most often friendship comes before dating, which comes before marriage.

And I’m okay with that.

But unlike some of my friends (who are at different stages of life than I), I am not looking simply for some good guy friends, some “brothers” to hang out with.

I am looking for a husband.

Does this mean that I’m going to write off the guys who I don’t deem as marriage material and choose not to be their friends?

Absolutely not.

Brothers are wonderful. Guy friends are nice. It’s just that I’m unwilling to hide what I really want. I don’t want to pretend that I’m just interested in friendship.

I’m notta piranha, I’ve just tired of giving the impression that I’m justa pal.

2 thoughts on “Notta Piranha”

  1. you are such a sweet young lady. When the Lord sends you that special Godly man, it will be worth the wait! (I am waiting for the Lord to send that person to my daughter, praying she won’t take things into her own hands before his will is done). I will pray that the Lord send your mate soon or give you the peace to wait it out.


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