I’m not here

Except that I am.

Or maybe I’m not.

I haven’t been online much lately…

not for any reason in particular, just for lots of reasons in general.

Reason 1?

My little brother came home from boot camp for his ten day leave starting last weekend–meaning that I spent the weekend in Lincoln with family.

Reason 2:

I am exhausted. Whether my all-too-active brain lets me sleep or not, I definitely haven’t had a lot of extra energy for anything extra.

And apparently the internet counts as extra.

Actually, pretty much anything but falling asleep on a book counts as extra.

I hope I catch another wind soon, ’cause this gets old really quickly.

Reason 3:

I have nothing to write about. (That is, nothing coherent to write about.)

Thanks to reason 1, I have had fun events occurring in my life. But thanks to reason 2, I have not even thought about how those fun events might turn into fun stories.

Thanks to reason 2, I have been reading. But thanks to reason 2, I have not felt like reviewing.

So, there you have it.

That’s why I’m not here.

3 thoughts on “I’m not here”

  1. Reason 1: Awesome! I hope you enjoyed your time with your family! So thankful for our soldiers!
    Reason 2: I know what you mean. Some days I can hardly motivate myself to do anything extra. I still don’t have all my spring cleaning done. Just trying to stay on top of the day to day stuff. I too only want to lay around and read.
    Reason 3: Is probably related to reason 2. You have a beautiful mind and always seem to have something great to share! Maybe when you get rejuvenated you will get back at it. No big deal. Take the time and rest! Miss you though!

  2. Glad you could spend some time with your family while your brother was home!

    I think we all go through times like that when brain and life just don’t transition to blogging. Hopefully you’ll be refreshed and back before too long.


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