Thankful Thursday: Before I turn into a pumpkin

My computer starts singing to me at 9:15 every evening. Classical music, telling me that it’s starting to get tired and really needs a long nap.

9:30, when the music turns off, is my cue to turn off the lights and leave my computer to its peace.

Now, as the time runs down and my computer will soon be singing, I’d best enumerate my thanks.

Thankful Thursday banner

This week, I’m thankful for…

…last Thursday’s sleep with my feet up–and the graciousness of girls and their mothers to leave me to it.

…last Friday’s game night at the coffee shop–and the great guys and gals I met/spent time with there

…last Saturday’s baking and a movie with Ruth–and finding out that the oven at the house of dreams wasn’t broken after all (but not until after we’d gone over to Ruth’s to make cheesecake)

…Sunday’s–what did I do on Sunday night? Did I do anything on Sunday night? Ah, turning off the computer exactly when the computer told me to do so. It feels great to be on schedule!

…Monday’s Pizza Ranch and used store fabric shopping

…Tuesday’s steaks and mushroom fries with my sister–topped off with a delish piece of leftover cheesecake (chocolate cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries–scrumdiddlyumptious!)

…Wednesday’s night in bed with a book–when my plans were called off and my sister called to say she was out of town, I figured “Why not?!” So I fell asleep to a novel. Nice!

And, of course, for a nice warm bed to fall into at the end of every night. And for the hope and expectation with which I rise every morning. And for the joyful, non-drugerous (I know, not a word) work that I do every day. And for the beautiful, beyond-my-dreams house I come home to after work. And…

Basically, Cinderella’s got nothing on me.

Because I don’t have a fairy godmother who’s given me a great evening out–I’ve got a REAL God who’s given me a whole great LIFE.

I’m so thankful for the remarkably full life He’s given me.

Now, to bed :-)

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